26 May 2014 ~ 0 Comments

Pesto Stuffed Turkey Burgers

By admin

Happy Memorial Day!

I hope that if you’re off you have some wonderful plans that include family/friends, sun and good food.

With all the festivities going on today, I don’t want to take up a lot of your time, but I do want to share this amazing burger recipe with you! It’s not too late to change the boring burgers that you had planned today to these gourmet burgers.

Yes, that’s right… gourmet burgers. I honestly don’t know exactly what qualifies a burger to be gourmet, but even with that being said I am sure these would be!

Pesto Stuffed Turkey Burgers


When I was a vegan, I never craved a burger. I was fine going without. However, just in the past 3 weeks, I can’t take my mind off them. I day dream about burgers and how I can make each batch different and better than the previous.

That’s when I came up with these. Initially, my plan was to “stuff” them with slices of portabella mushrooms, spinach and bell pepper. Why? Because I hate when toppings slide around when you’re trying to bite down. So I thought by putting them as a layer in the middle would be the perfect trick.

Smart, right?

It worked out great and the end result was delicious, but Dan and I both agreed that it would be better if there was more of a sauce in the middle to really bring the wow flavor.

And that’s how the Pesto Stuffed Burger was born.

You could also stuff it with guacamole (I might do this next), hummus, or perhaps a slice of brie!



For Burger Patties:

  • 1 pound of lean turkey burger
  • 1/4 cup chopped bell peppers
  • 1/4 cup chopped onions
  • 1 garlic clove, minced
  • 1/4 cup, chopped basil

For Pea Pesto:


Pea pesto is our favorite. I don’t even like cooked peas but I love this! If pea pesto isn’t your thing, here’s a recipe for “normal” pesto. Or just buy an all natural pre-made package at the store!

  • 1 bag frozen peas (or fresh)
  • 1/3 cup unsalted cashews (or 1/4 cup Parmesan cheese)
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 1 cup basil
  • 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
  • Pinch of sea salt


  1. Blend all the pesto ingredients together in a food processor until smooth. Set aside.
  2. Combine all the patty ingredients together. Make sure the the turkey burger is chilled to help patties stay together.
  3. Take a golf ball size amount of burger and mold into a bowl. Scoop 1 tbsp of pesto into the center and then add a second patty to the top. Close off by pinching the corners together.
  4. Cook on medium heat for ~8 minutes per side until burger is cooked through.
  5. Enjoy!


Are you or did you cook out for Memorial Day? 

Before I log off, Here are a few snap shots from this past weekend!


Saturday morning started with a quick 6 mile run in the Old Village of Mt Pleasant. This is where I grew up, I even ran into my Uncle while he was out biking. Absolutely gorgeous.

From there I had enough time to grab an iced coffee before going to SkyZone for a trampoline aerobic workout.


A lot of y’all asked on Facebook and Instagram what I thought about the workout. It was fun!

Skyzone is still very new to Charleston and you could tell. My friend told me she was going and said it was just $ 5 for first timers so I decided to sign up too!

 Our instructor was very nice but you could tell she was new. The room was huge and at times hard to hear her, definitely would have benefited from a headset mic. Music would have also been welcomed.

At first, I wasn’t sure I was going to get a workout and I decided to look at it as a fun way to spend the morning with friends instead of trying to burn off calories. It was a great workout for beginners, but at times I found myeslf modifying moves to make it harder for me.

I did end with a nice layer of sweat, so clearly I got a workout in! Kelsey, our instructor told us that her heart rate monitor had us burning just over 600-calories… I don’t think this was accurate, but again it was fun.

I would go back for another workout once they have a few more practice rounds under their belts and as a fun girls day out. But I don’t see this being a regular part of my own workout program.


Saturday concluded with an 80s birthday party for my friend, Saliz. We had a blast! Oh and those shoes?! They were on sale at Target for $ 10… with a size 6 tag on them. Except that when I get them home they were clearly marked incorrectly and were most likely size 9s! Ha.

Whip Six Feed

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