12 October 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Pop A Chip Or Two Guilt-free: PopChips Giveaway

By admin

Who’s doing the Friday dance… RIGHT NOW?

I am! I am! I am also getting my “grocery cart” move down right now! Dan and I are having our mud run team mates over tonight for dinner to get the excitement building up! Can’t wait. On the menu? I guess I will decide while I am pulling out these old school moves.

What I do know is that these will be our appetizers (with some dips of course)!

Oh yea baby! I first tried Popchips while I was in Baltimore for the FitBloggin conference. They were one of the sponsors so of course we had a few bags in the ginormous swag bag. At first I was going to pass on them, I am not the biggest “chip” fan. Give me sweets over salty any time.

But at one point I was starving so I grabbed one, flipped it over and couldn’t believe my eyes when they saw this:

VEGAN! It felt like Christmas! I tore the bad open and went to down. Because vegan options were pretty limited at the conference, I am pretty sure I ate about 6 bags of these over the course of the weekend. At least.

Out of their 4 tortilla flavors they have two vegan options: the Chili Limon (my favorite) and the Salsa. The other two: Nacho Cheese and Ranch aren’t… but with those names, I think we could have figured that one out.

The vegan got my attention first, but after the bag was gone, I decided to actually read about the little crunchy guys and was impressed with what I saw:

All natural, no fake crap, and overall healthy?! Yes, yes and yes. Dan eats chips (and salsa) every week so I was pretty pumped for him to try these out instead of the traditional corn chips we buy.

Taste Test Warning: 

Okay, so if you think you’re going to open a bag and see a Tostido chip looking at you, then you’ll be disappointed. These aren’t fried, they aren’t baked… they aren’t your typical “tortilla chip”.

They are basically dehyrated with low heat, with some pressure be adding to them… whatever that means. It seems to work!

With that, they taste more like a thin and extra crispy rice cake. But I am telling you the spices and texture are awesome. I guess a better description would be if a Baked Lays and a rice cake married, this would be their child. Yea, that works.

Nutritional Perks

Plus, as their motto says: “Hola Tortilla. Adios Guilt”. No guilt was found here! Lol. Here’s why:

PopChips GiveAway: 

Now for the good stuff. what is a girl to do with a box of chips? I could eat them all, but nah. Instead, I am going to give away 2 of each flavor! That’s 8 bags of chips from me to you :)

How to enter… 

  1. Leave a comment below tell me your favorite Mexican dish!
  2. Get an ENTRA entry by tweeting about this giveaway and
  3. Get another EXTRA one from giving it some facebook love.

Just make sure to tell me that you’ve done those things (so potentially 3 comments below).

This giveway is open until October 13. The winner will be announced on Monday, 15th. 

Whip Six Feed

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