31 January 2014 ~ 0 Comments

Prize Reveal: Stronger Arms, Tighter Core… And Fresher Pits?

By admin

I’ve got some very very exciting news today… life is returning to Charleston! Kids returned to school, the ice is gone and we’re one day closer to spring!

Oh, that’s not the news you were expecting?
How about this…

Today is the end of the Core & More Challenge! 

Did you do it? Did you stick with me? I’m not going to lie… those push-ups got pretty tiring at the end. As for my core, it loved the planks! I definitely feel stronger and I am proud to say I no longer hate planks.

So you might be wondering… what does this all mean?

Well, it means that one lucky LR reader will receive a prize package this month!

And it also means that Sunday (Feb 2rd) the February Challenge will be revealed! I know it’s awkward with the first being on a Saturday, so let’s kick off Monday so that everyone has a chance to get to the blog (I know not everyone checks in on the weekend) Sound like a plan?

Okay so back to THIS month…

If you completed the challenge here’s what you may receive:


Core & More Prize Pack

  • Primal Pit Paste 


I started using primal pit paste about 5 weeks ago when a client bragged about how great it was. I was very skeptical of it’s potency since I tend to be a heavy sweater, and “all natural” deodorants don’t have the best reputation.

The ingredients are very limited: shea butter, coconut oil, non-aluminum baking soda, beeswax, arrowroot powder, and lavender oil.

So far though, so good! I love the fresh lavender smell and I have yet to have any deodorant stains. I even used this before my trail race and walked away smelling fine!

  • Flap Jacked


I’ll be talking more about FlapJacked next week (Feb. is pancake month) but for now just know I LOVE these protein filled pancake mixes. The company was nice enough to send me 3 packages to try, but I am giving one of them away in the prize package!

One serving has 200 calories (or less), 15+ grams of protein, and the flavors are awesome.  I used the Buttermilk for an upcoming recipe (Lavender pancakes).

  • Sun Cups


Can I just say how tempting it was to safe these Sun Cups for myself? They are delicious! I was able to try a few of the other flavors and boy, was I floored. As a chocolate freak, I can’t deny a good chocolate, but I certainly can walk away from a crappy one. If I am going to go for a sweet, I want it to be good after all.

These did not disappoint.

Sun Cups are nut-free and gluten-free and all of the ingredients are organic.

I love what is written on the back of each package:

“Our cocoa comes from Rainforest Alliance Certified farms, helping to conserve biodiversity and ensure sustainable livelihoods for farmers and families in cacao-growing communities. Created and distributed by Seth Ellis, Chocolatier.”

These are just cups tossed together in a Nestle factory!

  • Fresh Twist Shoe Deodorizers


A weird prize? Not really, we all wear workout shoes, and let’s face it those things get sweaty.

In fact, I received a set of these as a Christmas present and thought how practical and perfect they were. Everyone needs a pair but it’s just not something we think about.

How To Register To Win?

If you COMPLETED the challenge simply let me know in the comments down below. On Monday, Feb 3rd I will announce the winner and email her personally.

If you did not complete the challenge, please do not say you did as that takes away the ability for someone who did it to win. Fair, right?

But don’t worry… next week starts a brand spanking new challenge! So make sure to register for it!

In Other News… 

I received my JawBone yesterday! I can’t wait to test it out and see where I fall in the movement chart. I am guessing it’s going to be low, since for my baseline I am going to treat it just like a normal day.

From there, I’ll work to push myself more and hit some goals! I’ll share my progress on Fridays with you guys!


Did you do the Core & More Challenge? 

Do you have a JawBone or FitBit?

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