23 August 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Punkee Thursday: Punkeelove Headband {Giveaway}

By admin

Thursday is here! Which you know means we are on the road heading up north. While I didn’t get a new dress, I settled for one I had in my closet, but I did get my house cleaned up! So there was some success yesterday.

Because we’re driving means I wasn’t able to do a Top 10 Thursday… I’m sorry . To make it up to you I am doing a giveaway!

Several of you have asked how to take care of crazy hair when you’re working out. I use PunkeeLove Headbands, and since I have gotten so many questions I decided it was time I step things up a bit, and instead of telling you about these things, just give one away!

Watch the video and then leave a comment below! If you follow Punkeelove on facebook you’ll get an extra entry (just make sure to leave a second comment below… AND you’ll get a 3rd entry for liking this page on facebook (again a 3rd comment).

Have a great day! This giveaway goes until Sunday and the winner will be announced Monday morning!

Love you, and hope to share some great pictures soon from our trip!

Whip Six Feed

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