17 April 2015 ~ 0 Comments

Quest For The Crest 50K Training: Week 6 & What Would You Eat?

By admin

It’s Friday, it’s Friday! Whoop!

This week has been filled with chaos, anxiety and a to-do list far too long for one person. But things got done and I’m looking forward to a weekend filled with golf, running, and lots and lots of work (much more was added to my to-do list).

I hope your week was much more calm and the weekend ahead filled with fun and rest!

I can’t believe that Dan and I are 6 weeks out from the big Quest For The Crest 50K! Time if flying by, it seems so close. We have found ourselves talking more and more about the race, making sure that we have all the gear we need (portable blanket, life straws, walkie talkies, etc) and the really important stuff…

What are we going to eat when the race is over to celebrate?

After 13 weeks of training, Dan and I agree that we deserve a “cheat” meal.

What We Want Post Race To Eat

We gave this question a lot of thought this past weekend while in the mountains. We want to make sure that if we are splurging a bit more than normal that we won’t be disappointed or left craving something different.

After some serious thought, Dan decided he wants Mellow Mushroom pizza and I decided that I want a Dairy Queen ice cream cake.

Pretty specific, right?


Dan loves Mellow Mushroom but we’ve only eaten there twice in the past 5 years, so it’s time. The crust is amazing and the cheesy goodness is far to delicious to pass on.

As for me, I have been told for years that Dairy Queen’s cakes are better than Marble Slab’s and since I didn’t have a birthday cake this year, I’m using this opportunity to celebrate late and test out this claim.


What do you think? Dairy Queen Vs. Marble Slab? Or if you have another ice cream cake you think trumps both, let me know!

So that’s the plan for as soon as we make it back to Charleston. A night out of cake and pizza. I promise we’re not 6 year olds.

Now for training last week…

Quest For Crest 50K Training Week 6

  • Monday: Birthday Strength Workout #T&BWorkoutChallenge


  • Tuesday: 4 Miles @ 8min pace
  • Wed: 3 miles (I was supposed to do 14)
  • Thur: Off: Driving


  • Friday: 11.5 Hike – Green Knob
  • Sat: 18 Mile Hike – Mt Mitchell+
  • Sun: Off: Driving

Total Strength: 1 (though the hikes should count too, right?
Total Miles: 36.5 Miles

I didn’t exactly stick to the training plan last week. I was supposed to do a pretty long mid week run, but I knew the weekend would be strenuous and I wanted fresh legs. Plus, I was running around like a chicken with my head chopped off trying to get ready to leave. There was NO WAY 14 miles was going to happen, and I was lucky to get those 3 in.


We hiked more miles than I anticipated so even though my week wasn’t stellar, the weekend definitely made up for it and I think it ended up being a great training week!

This weekend is jammed back where I am really nervous about getting my long run in, but I know it’s the most important run of all so if that means waking up at 4am on Sunday, that’s what I’ll be doing. Damn.

What would you choose to eat at the end of a race like this?

Whip Six Feed

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