01 May 2015 ~ 0 Comments

Quest For The Crest 50K: Week 8 Training Log

By admin

Happy Friday! This week was so much better than last week! No drama, lots of things getting marked off the to-do list, and a week of nervous excitement.

Getting these as a surprise in the mail didn’t hurt either…


With just 120 calories, these Detour Mini bars are my new go to for an after dinner sweet snack! I have a feeling Dan and I will be fighting over the last one. If it’s there at all when I get home on Sunday.

I’m loving them! A few other things I’m loving?

  • The New Primal Jerky


I love trying to be as local as I can when it comes to purchases. The New Primal Jerky is all-natural, preservative-free, grass-fed jerky is made right up the road from my house.

If you’re a jerky lover like we are, definitely try. The spicy is my favorite.

It’s in most of our grocery stores and finally was just too enticing to pass up. It’s amazing. Fresh flavors, chewy and a great go to for a quick snack.

  • My In-Laws


Sorry these are mine, not on the market.

While in Philly this weekend, I am staying with them. And I am being spoiled.

Before heading up, my MIL emailed asking what I wanted for my bag lunches, what we should have for dinner and because she knows I’ve never taken a train before, mailed me train tickets and step-by-step directions on how to get from the airport to their home.

Oh, and they’re driving me to and from RKC training all weekend. It’s the best!

You would think that’s it, but my SIL is also flying in to get some QT in. I love my family!


  • Atlanta Fresh Yogurt Dressings


Oh My Gosh, you guys, if you see this stuff get it. It’s amazing.

The ranch has less than 20 calories per serving and taste delicious. I’ve been putting it on veggies, chicken, steak and salads.

The Greek Dill is my favorite.

Charleston friends… I can only find it in EarthFare.

  • The Roll Model

roll model book

Dan is crazy in love with mobility work and foam rolling. So when he saw The Roll Model book, he had to have it.

I’m glad he did. It’s fabulous. Jill is amazing and extremely knowledgable. I just started the book earlier this week but I’ve been doing several of her ball rolling series each night.

I haven’t mentioned it but I’ve had increased tightness/pain in my back, knees and calves, giving me so annoying issues. So I am really dedicating myself to focusing more on proactive mobility training.

All of this running is catching up and I am doing my best to make sure I stay healthy and injury free!

Which leads me into…

Training Week 8

Training went really well last week! I can’t believe that the race is THIS month!

The countdown is on.

  • Monday: Light Kettlebell Training: 100 Snatches w/ 16KG
  • Tuesday: 4 Miles + Kettlebell Workout + 1000 Step-Up Test (new timed PR)


  • Wednesday: 9 Miles: I was suppose to do 12 but just can’t fit that into a week day. In fact, 9 was a distance PR for a weekend!
  • Thursday: 4.5 Miles + FWW Workout. No Garmin, I just put my headphones on and ran. It was perfect.
  • Friday: OFF
  • Saturday: 20 Miles: Solo and rainy. Not one part was fun, but I made it. With a few text to Jeanette here and there for support.


  • Sunday: 8 Miles + 60 Snatches For Time: I was aiming for 100 but had to stop short due to the strangest palm rip. I’ve never ripped there before, so not sure if it was due to the humidity or what. Definitely enough to make me nervous for tomorrow!

Before the snatches, while cooling down from my run, it was handstand practice!

Total Miles: 45.5 Miles
Total Strength: 3

Tell me something you’re loving!

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