30 January 2015 ~ 0 Comments

Quiz Me: Let’s Get To Know Each Other Better!

By admin

Hello peeps! I hope you had a fabulous week, I am finally feeling on the mend. This whole being sick thing really sucks! Especially when I have plans for the entire weekend.

I was getting a bit nervous that I wouldn’t be well enough to race this weekend but it looks as if the trail running gods are looking after me. It may not be my best race, but at least I’ll be at the starting line!

For those of you who are new, this weekend I am running a 15 mile trail race at Paris Mountain. It’s located in Greenville, SC and looks beautiful. Can’t wait!

Of course running with Ashton is always a plus too.


(More to come next week but we’re kicking off Feb with a Paleo Challenge so there will be a few cookies and treats this weekend!)

I was pretty confident about this race due to a few changes in my training but now with being sick, I don’t really care. I just want to go and enjoy the experience. I’m just glad I feel alive again! Yay, it’s good to be back among the living.

In an effort to keep things light today, I thought I would do this lil’ quiz that Laura at Sprint2TheTable did earlier this week. A fun way to end things, yes? Play along if you want!

Quiz Me!

What is your current health related goal?


To train for peak physical performance for several adventures we have coming up. Hikes, obstacles races, and more! I can’t wait but I want to be in the best shape of my life.

What’s your biggest irrational fear?

Being late. I hate, hate, really hate being late for anything. I have this fear that I’ll let someone down or miss out on something important. I was born 4 weeks early, and my mom says that that’s the way I’ve lived life. It’s true. The fear of being late makes my heart beat fast! Dan thinks I’m insane.

Do you enjoy wrapping gifts?


Yes, love it! I decorate all of my packages with a theme and love the look on people’s faces when they see them. I think that it makes the receiver feel special to know I took time to make it pretty for them. But I love watching them tear it open too!

What’s your favorite cross training activity?


Kettlebells! Duh. (did you see yesterday’s workout?)

I also just got into stadium training which I am loving right now. But kettlebells makes me feel strong physically and cardiovascularly. It’s awesome.

If I came to visit you, what would we do?


I would bring you to my gym for a boot camp and then perhaps to my favorite trails for a walk or jog. Then get cleaned up and head to my favorite wine bar, Accent On The Wine for cocktails before heading home for dinner. I’m lame and would probably end the night watching a movie.

You have 2 weeks off of work and 2 round trip plane tickets to ANYWHERE. Where would you go and who would you take?


So many places I want to go!

Of course I would take Dan and we would likely head to Paris and walk the El Camino de Santiago for two weeks OR head to Alaska for some epic mountaineering on Mt McKinley (above)! I think Alaska might win right now in our lives!

(Image source)

What’s the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened during a race?


I can’t think of anything specific. I have had to stop and pee in the woods before during the Veni Vidi Vici, does that count?

Tell me the best 3 days of your life, or the 3 things that stand out the most?


1. My wedding, we had a blast and I felt like the luckiest woman in the world.
2. Christmas in the mountains, I really can’t put into words how much we needed this trip and how wonderful it was.
3. Graduating college with honors. I was the first person ever in my family to graduate from college so it was a big deal. I won’t forget how proud my parents were.

You have to eat a fast food meal, which restaurant would you choose and what would you order?

This is funny because Dan and I always joke that for our next bet, the loser has to eat fast food of the winner’s choice.

For me it would be Arby’s… roast beef sandwich and curly fries. I haven’t had it in over a decade, but when I was a teenager I LOVED Arbys!

Have you ever met a celebrity?

Nope. And I’m okay with that, not really the type to get star struct, well, unless it’s Cher.

Share a picture in non-workout clothes.


That’s a hard one! I had to go back to our anniversary to find one. That’s sad.

If you could choose a ‘do over” and have a different career, what would you be doing?

at the gym

I know it sounds silly, but I really do love what I do right now. But if I HAD to choose, I guess I would choose medicine still. Before going into fitness, I wanted to be a fertility specialist, that field still interest me.

If you won the Olympic Gold, how would you react?

I would be pissed and mad at the world. Sorry what kind of question is this? Lol, of course I would be stoked beyond words! Crying, thanking everyone and on top of the world!

What do you want for Christmas?


This past Christmas was more than I could have imagined. I guess for Christmas this year, I would like to start trying for a family? That would be a great gift after having a year of adventures!

What skill do you lack?

I have the patience of a 2 year old. I have to be first in line for everything, I need to know what’s going on asap, and I don’t like waiting… for anything. I know I need to work on it, but I’ve also accepted it.

Have a wonderful weekend friends!

Answer 1 (or as many as you want) of the questions above!

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