31 December 2014 ~ 0 Comments

Resolutions: Why They Suck & The 5 Rules That Everyone Needs To Know To Make Then Not Suck

By admin

I can’t believe tomorrow is 2015. It’s so cliche, but seriously, where did the year go?

I feel as if just yesterday I was planning out my goals for 2014 and here I am now going over them and planning out 2015.


And you know that because it’s a special day, tomorrow I’m going to have a very special workout! So make sure to check in for some fitness fun.

But for today…

I don’t want to talk about fitness, well not directly at least.

The Need To Change


Next week is huge for my studio, we have tons of new clients kicking off the New Year with the goal to get fit. I love it, I thrive off energy and our studio will have energy oozing out the walls.

But it makes me nervous at the same time.

Have you heard the statistic that less than 8% of people will actually stick to their resolutions? The other 92% will give up within just weeks.

So while I am riding high right now on new clients, I am extremely stressed making sure we keep them motivated and excited about their goal, so that our clients are the exception to the rule.

Pressure, right?

But it’s not about me. It’s about everyone that has a resolution.

Why is it that over 90% of Americans feel the need to make one I the first place?

Because 90% of people do it! It’s expected of us. It’s the time of year where whatever we did (or didn’t do) over the previous 12 months can be swept clean. We get a clean slate.

But do we?

I’m not a fan of the word resolution. I’ve written about it past New Years too.

Just thinking about it… Resolution means to resolve something. Fix something. And I’m sorry but are you/me/we broken?

Positivity Leads To Results


It’s a negative concept at heart and that is where I think the 92% failure rate happens. If we consider ourselves broken, we already have this idea in our head that we have failed.

Negativity breeds negativity.

Let’s take exercise…

If you start the year complaining about how much weight you have to lose or how much you let yourself go over the previous months, then your head is swamped with negative thoughts. “No, no, no” is all your brain hears and even if you don’t realize it, that translates into “no, no, no… you CAN’T succeed.”

Or if your focus on how much you hate to exercise, no matter if you know you need to or not, you won’t.

The subconscious brain is a crazy and powerful thing. Sure it might sound hokey, but read any self help book, and they’ll all share this idea.


So how can New Year’s work?

By thinking positively.

Instead of focusing on what you did wrong for 2014, sit down and write down everything that went right.

What did you accomplish? What exciting things did you do? What new experiences did you have? What are your best memories? What are a few things that made you proud of yourself?

Instantly, you’ll be smiling. You’ll be in a state of positivity and in a place where you are more likely to reflect on GOALS instead of RESOLUTIONS.

How To Make Positive Goals

First off, I highly recommend the book, The Power Of Positive Thinking, but aside from that, it’s pretty easy:

Think positively.


Yea, easier said than done. Right?

But it’s really not that complicated… it all comes down the words you use. Words are super powerful. And negative words are the evil dictators. They hold far too much power when controlling our thoughts and behaviors.

So that’s your goal… eliminate bad words.

Examples Of How To Fix Your Goals

Instead of saying…

I want to LOSE 25 pounds.


I want to GAIN the ability to slip into my size 6’s (or whatever).

Instead of saying…

I am completely our of shape.


I am going to move or exercise 3 times a week because I know it will make me feel great.

See how this works? Take your current goals/resolutions/etc, take out the negativity and fill it with affirmations and motivation.

And think about Thomas the train. But instead of “I think I can” it should be “I know I can!”

The 5 Rules To Creating New Year Goals


I know I’ve covered a lot already but I will not end until I share these rules. The rules that will help everyone go from saying they’re going to do something, to actually accomplishing that something.

Sounds good right?

  1. Make sure your goal is something you’re passionate about. If you haven’t had that “I have to do this or else” moment, then now isn’t the time to start. Just because it’s January doesn’t mean you have to make up goals just for the sake of making goals. If you’re not fully committed, then you’ll be in the 92% group faster than you can say “Happy New Year!”
  2. Write them down. Again, I know it sounds hokey, but it works. Write down your goals and put them someplace where you can see them every. Single. Day. This will help reinforce your passion and motivation on a daily basis.
  3. Don’t let a slip up stop you. You’ll have days when you don’t want to give in and give up. If that includes exercise and dieting, don’t let a bad diet day lead to another and lead to another before you’re right back where you started. Acknowledge that perfection is impossible, you’ll have bad days and good days. Shake off the bad ones and get right back on the goal wagon.
  4. Don’t be afraid of help! Grab an accountability partner and check in regularly. Maybe that’s someone to workout with, or someone to share tasty recipes with, or just a friend that you can talk to. It helps!
  5. And finally, realize that you are beautiful right now. You don’t HAVE to change (or resolve yourself) but you want to be happier, healthier, and “tweaked”. That’s the reason for the resolution, out of self love.

I promise that I am not just putting this fluff down as a post because it’s what bloggers are suppose to write about right now. But because I truly believe it and I am actually sitting down at my desk over the next two days to plan out my own personal goals, business goals, and marriage goals. It’s important.

Do you set New Years Resolutions?

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