08 April 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Should I Worry About Henna Tattoos?

By admin

Every week, the Scoop examines alarming new claims to help you make sense of the latest health research.

If you were getting a tattoo that involved a needle, you would be beyond careful. But getting a temporary tattoo on the boardwalk or at an amusement park? You might not even think twice about it—but you should.

The FDA recently issued a consumer alert informing the public that it has received reports of serious and long-lasting reactions to a certain type of henna tattoos. We’re talking redness, blisters, raised red lesions, loss of pigmentation, increased sensitivity to sunlight, and even permanent scarring—scary stuff.

Some people have even had to go to the ER because of their reactions, which can occur anywhere from immediately after a person gets the temporary tattoo to three weeks later.

What’s causing the problem? Traditional henna is made from the leaves of a plant called Lawsonia, but black henna—the type that’s been linked to the reported reactions—can contain a harsh chemical called p-phenylenediamine (PPD). PPD results in a darker and longer-lasting tattoo, but it can also lead to an allergic reaction, says Tamara Ward, an FDA press officer.

Although the FDA hasn’t released data on how many people have reported having a reaction to black henna, you should keep in mind that anyone can have an allergic response to PPD—regardless of skin type, says Glenn Kolansky, MD, a board-certified dermatologist in Red Bank, NJ.

The FDA is advising specifically against black henna, but it’s worth noting that even traditional henna is only approved by the FDA for use in hair dyes—not for direct application to the skin.

The verdict: Since there’s really no telling how your skin will react to henna—and the health consequences can be severe—you’re better off steering clear of it. After all, it’s not that big a sacrifice to not get a temporary tattoo.

photo: iStockphoto/Thinkstock

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