17 January 2014 ~ 0 Comments

Small Acts Of Kindness Plus Nonveggie Veggie Pancakes

By admin

Another week is almost behind us. It’s be a whirlwind type of week for me and I am quite ecstatic to move on.

Wednesday we placed my grandmother in hospice. While we’ve known for sometime that this day would come, it never gets easy. Time with family and allowing emotions to run freely has been key.

But when it comes down to it, work must continue on so I was still teaching boot camps and walking in with a happy face and energized persona ready to lead.

Which brings me to this event that completely changed my day… 

I didn’t bring up my family drama to boot camp. Who wants to hear about death? Sadness? My clients are there to have a positive and uplifting experience!

For one class in particular, I left my issues at the door and came in wanting nothing more than to get lost in fitness. I love my boot campers, they are part of my family.

At the end of class, one client approached me with a card, handed it to me and walked away.

Never one to be able to wait, I opened it when I got to my car.

Inside was a wonderful card simply thanking me for caring and working so hard to make sure each class is a success, along with a giftcard to Starbucks.

I cried.

She had no idea what my day had been like, yet someone knew I needed this. At that precise moment, that card turned my day from shitty to blessed.

I can not put into words how thankful I am, I can only say those two words: Thank You. 

It’s amazing how a small act of kindness can go such a long way.

Now I must pay it forward.

I’ll start by sharing this pancake recipe!

The Nonveggie Veggie Pancake


Did you know that February is National Pancake Month? It is, so during that time I am going to share a new recipe every single week. After all, I am pancake obsessed so why not celebrate?

I know it’s not February yet, but I finally perfected this recipe and didn’t want to put it off any longer!

Remember a while back I mentioned I was trying to eat vegetables with ALL my meals? Since I love pancakes, I had to get creative for my breakfasts.

These pancakes are loaded with yummy nutrients, fiber, vitamins, and protein. Yes they have vegetables in them, but I promise you, you can not tell.

If you have a kid that doesn’t like veggies, make these and call them “Hulk Pancakes!”

Same goes for husbands.

As for me, I love the fact that they have vegetables in them.


  • 1/4 Cup Oats (I used gluten-free)
  • 1 Tbsp Flaxmeal (optional, you can use 1 tbsp extra oats if needed)
  • 1/2 Cup Spinach (or Zucchini)
  • 1 Egg White
  • 1/3 Banana*
  • 3 Tbsp Water (or almond milk)
  • 1/4 Tsp Baking Soda
  • 1/2 Tsp Cinnamon
  • 1 Packet Stevia (optional)

*For the banana, I break off what I need and freeze the remainder for smoothies.



  1. Blend everything together, I use a magic bullet for ease.
  2. Heat a skillet on medium heat and slowly pour batter in. I often pour 1/2 in, then after about 30 seconds (the bottom begins to cook) I pour in the remainder to make an extra thick and fluffy cake. This keeps it from running out too much.
  3. Cook ~2-3 minutes per side, or until little bubbles begin to form. Flip and cook an additional 1-2 minutes.
  4. Remove, top with peanut butter, syrup, honey, fresh fruit, etc and enjoy!

Whats your favorite type of pancake? 

I know it’s so predictable, but I LOVE chocolate chip pancakes. I just don’t eat them often enough!

Whip Six Feed

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