05 November 2014 ~ 0 Comments

Step-By-Step Guide To Master The Kettlebell Turkish Get Up

By admin

The Turkish Get Up is the ultimate kettlebell move. It’s the move that inspires some to grab a kettlebell in the first place!

And it’s one heck of a total body toner.

  • Shoulder targeted
  • Core targeted
  • Glute & Quad Targeted
  • Basically… every muscle will get worked!

When it comes to teaching the get up in my Intro To Kettlebell Classes, it’s the last move I focus on for good reason: it’s tough.

It takes balance, core strength, flexibility, strength, and above all, confidence.

It can be intimidating and if done without proper training, it’s an easy move to get lost in. You forget footing, forget to keep your eyes on the kettlebell, and you panic.

I won’t go into what panicking can do, because the point of this tutorial is to take away panic and fear.

We’re going to break down the move step by step so that there is no room for questioning.

The Step By Step Tutorial To Master The Kettlebell Turkish Getup

First things first, let’s see what it’s suppose to look like from start to finish.

I am demonstrating with a shoe. Why? Because it’s how I want you to practice.

Using a shoe allows you to…

  • Focus on a straight wrist
  • Keep your eyes on the target (try it, if you take your eyes off your shoe, it will fall off)
  • Master the steps without a heavy weight being in your hand

It’s basically risk free.

Step By Step Tutorial To Master Your Kettlebell Turkish Get Up


Now, let’s really break it apart, shall we?

Step 1…


  • Start with the kettlebell close to your chest, laying on your side in fetal position.
  • Using the opposite arm, as you roll over onto your back, press the kettlebell straight and overhead.
  • Make sure you have a nice, wide stance and your arm is out far from the body. Which ever hand is holding the kettlebell, that’s the leg that will be bent.
  • Bend the leg enough so that your foot is flat on the ground.

Step 2… 


  • From here on out, your eyes will stay locked on your kettlebell. This will help with balance but also to help keep the shoulder engaged and strong.
  • Push through the foot (and engage the abs) to allow for your shoulders to roll off the ground, allowing you to come to your elbow.
  • With control, push with your hand, to come up to a straight grounded arm.

Step 3… 


  • Push again through the grounded foot and through your hand to lift the hips up. It’s up to you if you want to raise them to full extension. This is the popular way, but not necessary.
  • Sweep the straight leg back so that your knee is under your hip.

Step 4… 


  • To lift the shoulders up, engage the core and pull the hip in.
  • This is important, and often neglected when learning… if you get up now, your legs are in an awkward and unsecured position to stand (see that back foot turned in?).
  • Simply either step the front leg to straighten up, or “windshield wiper” the back leg to straight up so that both legs are pointed in the same direction. Now you’re in a classic lunge position.

Step 5…


  • The easiest of all steps! Simply stand up while keeping the shoulders high, back straight.
  • Once standing, if you need to relax your head for a moment, you can.
  • But when you’re ready, it’s  time to reverse it. Eyes back up on the kettlebell, step back into a 90-degree lunge.

Step 6… 


  • Just like we had to straighten the leg above, we’re going to windshield wipe it again to fold the back foot inward.
  • Keeping a tight core, complete a side hip hinge and lower the hand to the outside of the knee.  It doesn’t have to be a far reach, reaching too far out can add unnecessary difficulty!

Step 7…


  • The end is near! Simply sweep that foot back through and extend it out straight. Slowly, lower the hips and then the shoulders back to the ground.
  • Congratulations, you just did a get-up!

Now, to end, let’s see the whole thing put together (with a kettlebell).

What’s your favorite kettlebell exercise?

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