07 October 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Sunday Morning Done Right: Cinnamon Walnut Pancake Recipe {Vegan}

By admin

Good morning! It feels so great waking up after 9.5 hours of sleep! That’s right, I went to bed at 9:30 last night, and it felt A-Ma-Zing.  I know I am in my twenties and it should be a crime to go to bed so early on the weekends, but Dan and I work so much during the week that come Saturday all we want to do is watch a movie (last night was Case 39) and hit the hay.

Waking up at 7:30 after such a great sleep felt great and now I am ready to tackle my to-do list since I didn’t make a dent in it yesterday…. we opted for this instead:

clemson georgia tech

It was just too nice outside to not enjoy the day. Normally, we go play frisbee or something but I was in the mood to go downtown and enjoy a beer (or 2). We started at LEAF which has outdoor patio seating until we realized that the Clemson game was starting.

We high-tailed it to Southend Brewery to watch the first half of the Clemson/Georgia Tech game. After a drink, we decided to head home for dinner. Yup, crazy party animals right here! And I love it… this was the Southend Brewery’s Harvest Spiced Ale. It was a great sipper beer, probably won’t order it again, but it was quite tasty.

Okay so back to this morning:

Of course I had to start Sunday off right… with vegan pancakes. This morning because of the overcast sky, I felt the need to add some “autumnness” to them. Yes, I did just make that word up.

I enjoyed it with half of a sliced up apple and a chai coffee (more on that later).

If you haven’t tried making vegan pancakes give them a go! Just realize they are a bit more dough-like but just as hearty and delicious as their egg/milk counterpart.


Cinnamon Walnut Vegan Pancake

(Makes 1)

  • 1/4 cup oats
  • 1/2 banana
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • 1 tsp chia seeds (or flaxmeal or 1 egg white)
  • pinch of ginger
  • pinch of nutmeg
  • 2-3 tbsp of almond milk (or water)
  • 1 tbsp chopped walnuts
  • Sunflower butter for topping (optional)
  • Drizzle of syrup
  1. Blend together the first 6 ingredients until batter like. I use a small magic bullet to blend, but it can be done by hand as well. Stir in walnuts.
  2. Heat up a skillet on med-high heat, sprayed with coconut oil (or whatever oil you use), pour in batter. Cook for ~3-4 minutes on each side until slightly browned. When you can jiggle the skillet and the pancake slides on it’s own that is when you know you can flip it.
  3. Remove, spread 1 tbsp of sunflower butter (or whatever butter you want, or no butter at all) and drizzle 1/2 tbsp of syrup on top.
Sorry for the not so great pictures, the lighting is TERRIBLE today with storm clouds hanging around

Energized For The Day Ahead

On the agenda today is a killer workout! My legs feel great, despite yesterday’s run (the importance of rest) and I am ready to tackle a tough gym workout with Dan and my intern Amanda.

Then it’s on to my parents house where we’re having Sunday dinner and I’ll be unveiling my latest baking treat. If they approve (they’re the toughest crowd), I will share it later this week. I think it’s going to be a hit considering Dan keeps begging me NOT to share and to keep them here for him. Guess he didn’t learn the whole “sharing” thing in preschool. Jk, I promised to bake a second batch this afternoon just for him!

Have a fabulous Sunday!

  • What’s your favorite Sunday brunch? 
  • Favorite pancake topping? 

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