07 July 2013 ~ 0 Comments

How To Not Give A ‘You Know What’ About Calories

I hope your enjoying a long weekend with the sun on your skin and friends/family around you. Our morning started off  early, I skipped my run (looking forward to a dusk jog tonight) so that Dan and I could film a workout for an upcoming project. Check out who’s into social media now! Dan’s all […]

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07 July 2013 ~ 0 Comments

How To Not Give A ‘You Know What’ About Calories

I hope your enjoying a long weekend with the sun on your skin and friends/family around you. Our morning started off  early, I skipped my run (looking forward to a dusk jog tonight) so that Dan and I could film a workout for an upcoming project. Check out who’s into social media now! Dan’s all […]

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06 July 2013 ~ 0 Comments

How To Not Give A ‘You Know What’ About Calories

I hope your enjoying a long weekend with the sun on your skin and friends/family around you. Our morning started off  early, I skipped my run (looking forward to a dusk jog tonight) so that Dan and I could film a workout for an upcoming project. Check out who’s into social media now! Dan’s all […]

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06 July 2013 ~ 0 Comments

How To Not Give A ‘You Know What’ About Calories

I hope your enjoying a long weekend with the sun on your skin and friends/family around you. Our morning started off  early, I skipped my run (looking forward to a dusk jog tonight) so that Dan and I could film a workout for an upcoming project. Check out who’s into social media now! Dan’s all […]

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06 July 2013 ~ 0 Comments

How To Not Give A ‘You Know What’ About Calories

I hope your enjoying a long weekend with the sun on your skin and friends/family around you. Our morning started off  early, I skipped my run (looking forward to a dusk jog tonight) so that Dan and I could film a workout for an upcoming project. Check out who’s into social media now! Dan’s all […]

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06 July 2013 ~ 0 Comments

How To Not Give A ‘You Know What’ About Calories

I hope your enjoying a long weekend with the sun on your skin and friends/family around you. Our morning started off  early, I skipped my run (looking forward to a dusk jog tonight) so that Dan and I could film a workout for an upcoming project. Check out who’s into social media now! Dan’s all […]

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06 July 2013 ~ 0 Comments

How To Not Give A ‘You Know What’ About Calories

I hope your enjoying a long weekend with the sun on your skin and friends/family around you. Our morning started off  early, I skipped my run (looking forward to a dusk jog tonight) so that Dan and I could film a workout for an upcoming project. Check out who’s into social media now! Dan’s all […]

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02 July 2013 ~ 0 Comments

The Shocking Truth About Domestic Violence

The World Health Organization just released shocking data from the first comprehensive study of its kind. According to the report, physical or sexual violence affects 35 percent of all women globally. And here’s the worst part: The most common type of abuse is intimate partner violence, with 30 percent of women experiencing physical or sexual […]

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27 June 2013 ~ 0 Comments

The Truth About Fertility After 35

If you’re 30 or older and hope to be a mom one day, then a new story in the June issue of The Atlantic is probably already on your radar. Its much-buzzed-about premise: That baby-making panic among 30-something women is overblown, and the fertility cliff you hit during this decade isn’t as steep as you’re led […]

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27 June 2013 ~ 0 Comments

The Truth About Fertility After 35

If you’re 30 or older and hope to be a mom one day, then a new story in the June issue of The Atlantic is probably already on your radar. Its much-buzzed-about premise: That baby-making panic among 30-something women is overblown, and the fertility cliff you hit during this decade isn’t as steep as you’re led […]

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