19 December 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Ask Away Wednesday: What’s So Great About A Vitamix {Review}

Happy Wednesday! I hope your day is going well. Mine has been better… maybe you have some suggestions? Zoe is my 9 year old silky terrior (mine because I had her before Dan was in my life and he’s not a fan). To say she is set in her ways is an under statement, she’s […]

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10 December 2012 ~ 0 Comments

The Depressing Truth About Your Smartphone

You’re online at work all day, checking the smartphone with one hand and typing on the computer with the other. When you get home, you surf the web while you watch TV. This kind of device juggling is a ubiquitous practice, and one that has a name: Researchers call it “media multitasking,” and warn that […]

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14 November 2012 ~ 0 Comments

1-On-1 With Zoe & Nike: What My Pets Taught Me About Thanksgiving Eating

It seems that Zoe is already in the Holiday spirit. I walked in this morning to find my puppy too tired and full from breakfast to even lift her head up to look at me. Thanks Zoe. Look at that little belly! I couldn’t help but crack up. What gets me every time I watch […]

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03 November 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Your Guy Friends Think About You Naked

While you may swear that your relationship with your dude BFF is totally platonic, science begs to differ. New research in The Journal of Social and Personal Relationships suggests that men and women can’t be just friends. Researchers interviewed 88 pairs of opposite-sex, college-aged friends about their romantic attraction to each other and their perception […]

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03 November 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Your Guy Friends Think About You Naked

While you may swear that your relationship with your dude BFF is totally platonic, science begs to differ. New research in The Journal of Social and Personal Relationships suggests that men and women can’t be just friends. Researchers interviewed 88 pairs of opposite-sex, college-aged friends about their romantic attraction to each other and their perception […]

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03 November 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Your Guy Friends Think About You Naked

While you may swear that your relationship with your dude BFF is totally platonic, science begs to differ. New research in The Journal of Social and Personal Relationships suggests that men and women can’t be just friends. Researchers interviewed 88 pairs of opposite-sex, college-aged friends about their romantic attraction to each other and their perception […]

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03 November 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Your Guy Friends Think About You Naked

While you may swear that your relationship with your dude BFF is totally platonic, science begs to differ. New research in The Journal of Social and Personal Relationships suggests that men and women can’t be just friends. Researchers interviewed 88 pairs of opposite-sex, college-aged friends about their romantic attraction to each other and their perception […]

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03 November 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Your Guy Friends Think About You Naked

While you may swear that your relationship with your dude BFF is totally platonic, science begs to differ. New research in The Journal of Social and Personal Relationships suggests that men and women can’t be just friends. Researchers interviewed 88 pairs of opposite-sex, college-aged friends about their romantic attraction to each other and their perception […]

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03 November 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Your Guy Friends Think About You Naked

While you may swear that your relationship with your dude BFF is totally platonic, science begs to differ. New research in The Journal of Social and Personal Relationships suggests that men and women can’t be just friends. Researchers interviewed 88 pairs of opposite-sex, college-aged friends about their romantic attraction to each other and their perception […]

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03 November 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Your Guy Friends Think About You Naked

While you may swear that your relationship with your dude BFF is totally platonic, science begs to differ. New research in The Journal of Social and Personal Relationships suggests that men and women can’t be just friends. Researchers interviewed 88 pairs of opposite-sex, college-aged friends about their romantic attraction to each other and their perception […]

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