11 September 2012 ~ 0 Comments

How Antibiotics Affect Your Weight

It’s often said that there’s no miracle drug for weight loss. However, the same kind of medicine used to treat ear infections and strep throat could also be effective in helping us shed unwanted weight, according to a new University of Chicago study that examined how the immune system, gastrointestinal bacteria, and diet interact. The […]

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11 September 2012 ~ 0 Comments

How Antibiotics Affect Your Weight

It’s often said that there’s no miracle drug for weight loss. However, the same kind of medicine used to treat ear infections and strep throat could also be effective in helping us shed unwanted weight, according to a new University of Chicago study that examined how the immune system, gastrointestinal bacteria, and diet interact. The […]

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01 June 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Can Skinny Jeans Affect Your Orgasm?

If you’ve ever performed a full-out tango to stuff yourself into a pair of skinny jeans and wondered, “Is this really OK?” we’ve got your answer: Zip proudly, ladies, despite what you may have heard in the recent news about skinny jeans severing blood flow to a nerve in your thigh. It turns out that […]

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