04 June 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Researchers Create Exercise Guidelines to Beat Depression

You already know (and love!) that endorphin-fueled happy feeling you get after a really great workout. Past research has even shown that exercise can be successful in treating major depressive disorder. And now a new report published in the Journal of Psychiatric Practice, which is geared toward clinicians, outlines the necessary exercise “dose” for patients […]

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04 June 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Researchers Create Exercise Guidelines to Beat Depression

You already know (and love!) that endorphin-fueled happy feeling you get after a really great workout. Past research has even shown that exercise can be successful in treating major depressive disorder. And now a new report published in the Journal of Psychiatric Practice, which is geared toward clinicians, outlines the necessary exercise “dose” for patients […]

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03 April 2013 ~ 0 Comments

The Best Ways to Beat Brain Fry

The next time you’re struggling to think coherently, skip your usual caffeine fix and take a quick walk instead: Being in a green space may help combat brain fatigue, according to new findings published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine. For the study, researchers hooked 12 people up to portable electroencephalography (EEG) devices to […]

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03 April 2013 ~ 0 Comments

The Best Ways to Beat Brain Fry

The next time you’re struggling to think coherently, skip your usual caffeine fix and take a quick walk instead: Being in a green space may help combat brain fatigue, according to new findings published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine. For the study, researchers hooked 12 people up to portable electroencephalography (EEG) devices to […]

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03 April 2013 ~ 0 Comments

The Best Ways to Beat Brain Fry

The next time you’re struggling to think coherently, skip your usual caffeine fix and take a quick walk instead: Being in a green space may help combat brain fatigue, according to new findings published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine. For the study, researchers hooked 12 people up to portable electroencephalography (EEG) devices to […]

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28 December 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Beat Your Bad Mood in 30 Seconds or Less

Take the trash out: According to new research in Psychological Science, writing down your negative thoughts and tossing them in the garbage can erase your bad mood. Simple pick-me-up or suspect science? The finding seems silly, admits lead researcher Richard Petty, Ph.D., a professor at The Ohio State University. “But sometimes it’s the silly things […]

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28 December 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Beat Your Bad Mood in 30 Seconds or Less

Take the trash out: According to new research in Psychological Science, writing down your negative thoughts and tossing them in the garbage can erase your bad mood. Simple pick-me-up or suspect science? The finding seems silly, admits lead researcher Richard Petty, Ph.D., a professor at The Ohio State University. “But sometimes it’s the silly things […]

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28 December 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Beat Your Bad Mood in 30 Seconds or Less

Take the trash out: According to new research in Psychological Science, writing down your negative thoughts and tossing them in the garbage can erase your bad mood. Simple pick-me-up or suspect science? The finding seems silly, admits lead researcher Richard Petty, Ph.D., a professor at The Ohio State University. “But sometimes it’s the silly things […]

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28 December 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Beat Your Bad Mood in 30 Seconds or Less

Take the trash out: According to new research in Psychological Science, writing down your negative thoughts and tossing them in the garbage can erase your bad mood. Simple pick-me-up or suspect science? The finding seems silly, admits lead researcher Richard Petty, Ph.D., a professor at The Ohio State University. “But sometimes it’s the silly things […]

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28 December 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Beat Your Bad Mood in 30 Seconds or Less

Take the trash out: According to new research in Psychological Science, writing down your negative thoughts and tossing them in the garbage can erase your bad mood. Simple pick-me-up or suspect science? The finding seems silly, admits lead researcher Richard Petty, Ph.D., a professor at The Ohio State University. “But sometimes it’s the silly things […]

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