06 September 2013 ~ 0 Comments

1-2-3 Go: Let The Wheat Challenge Begin

Starting today, we are taking on a new 30-day challenge… But before I explain, let me just say how excited I am for the weekend! Happy Hour with friends, a mud run, paddleboarding (Dan is training for his 3rd race) and my in-laws are coming to town from Phili! Before the fun can begin, I […]

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06 September 2013 ~ 0 Comments

1-2-3 Go: Let The Wheat Challenge Begin

Starting today, we are taking on a new 30-day challenge… But before I explain, let me just say how excited I am for the weekend! Happy Hour with friends, a mud run, paddleboarding (Dan is training for his 3rd race) and my in-laws are coming to town from Phili! Before the fun can begin, I […]

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06 September 2013 ~ 0 Comments

1-2-3 Go: Let The Wheat Challenge Begin

Starting today, we are taking on a new 30-day challenge… But before I explain, let me just say how excited I am for the weekend! Happy Hour with friends, a mud run, paddleboarding (Dan is training for his 3rd race) and my in-laws are coming to town from Phili! Before the fun can begin, I […]

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07 December 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Let The Juicefest Begin: The Juice Cleansing Experiment

Yesterday I decided that I just haven’t challenged myself in the past months (1/2 marathons and PRs are just little accomplishments)… I needed something new. So… I began a 3-day Juice Cleanse (Insert GASP here). Okay, so the 1/2 and the PRs were big deals but this is something completely different. Meet my meals for […]

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07 December 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Let The Juicefest Begin: The Juice Cleansing Experiment

Yesterday I decided that I just haven’t challenged myself in the past months (1/2 marathons and PRs are just little accomplishments)… I needed something new. So… I began a 3-day Juice Cleanse (Insert GASP here). Okay, so the 1/2 and the PRs were big deals but this is something completely different. Meet my meals for […]

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07 December 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Let The Juicefest Begin: The Juice Cleansing Experiment

Yesterday I decided that I just haven’t challenged myself in the past months (1/2 marathons and PRs are just little accomplishments)… I needed something new. So… I began a 3-day Juice Cleanse (Insert GASP here). Okay, so the 1/2 and the PRs were big deals but this is something completely different. Meet my meals for […]

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07 December 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Let The Juicefest Begin: The Juice Cleansing Experiment

Yesterday I decided that I just haven’t challenged myself in the past months (1/2 marathons and PRs are just little accomplishments)… I needed something new. So… I began a 3-day Juice Cleanse (Insert GASP here). Okay, so the 1/2 and the PRs were big deals but this is something completely different. Meet my meals for […]

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07 December 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Let The Juicefest Begin: The Juice Cleansing Experiment

Yesterday I decided that I just haven’t challenged myself in the past months (1/2 marathons and PRs are just little accomplishments)… I needed something new. So… I began a 3-day Juice Cleanse (Insert GASP here). Okay, so the 1/2 and the PRs were big deals but this is something completely different. Meet my meals for […]

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07 December 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Let The Juicefest Begin: The Juice Cleansing Experiment

Yesterday I decided that I just haven’t challenged myself in the past months (1/2 marathons and PRs are just little accomplishments)… I needed something new. So… I began a 3-day Juice Cleanse (Insert GASP here). Okay, so the 1/2 and the PRs were big deals but this is something completely different. Meet my meals for […]

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01 October 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Let The October Challenge Begin: Small Changes Yield BIG Results

Last week I made a grand announcement… I would give up latte’s for the entire month of October! And then I asked you to join in the challenge with me by giving up just 1 thing from your diet that you know isn’t so great for you. Many of you jumped in and made amazing […]

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