03 June 2012 ~ 0 Comments

What’s A Typical Workout For Buffie the Body?

www.bodynomics.com My weight training is usually 2 times a week because I don’t work sore muscles. I’ll do upper body one day (biceps,triceps,chest,back, shoulders, abs) and the next day do lower body (hamstrings,quads, calves, glutes,abs). I will be doing a video on duration, reps, sets, rest intervals, tempo, frequency and intensity. This info will be […]

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02 June 2012 ~ 25 Comments

What’s A Typical Workout For Buffie the Body?

www.bodynomics.com My weight training is usually 2 times a week because I don’t work sore muscles. I’ll do upper body one day (biceps,triceps,chest,back, shoulders, abs) and the next day do lower body (hamstrings,quads, calves, glutes,abs). I will be doing a video on duration, reps, sets, rest intervals, tempo, frequency and intensity. This info will be […]

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