17 October 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Ask Away Wednesday: What Comes First Cardio Or Strength Training?

Happy Wednesday! The half way mark of the week, hopefully it’s been smooth and low stressed so far. So far so good here, just getting organized and getting my head in the right place for this weekend. Today is going to be my final run until Sunday (the half). Nothing crazy, just a 3-4 miler […]

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26 June 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Here Comes the Son

Now that my son has his driver’s license, opportunities abound to introduce the next level of environmental responsibility. Let’s start … Whip Six Feed

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20 April 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Cycling Fusion Comes Into Your Home

www.cyclingfusion.com After 2 years of research and 18 months of technology development, Cycling Fusion is finally about to launch its Indoor Cycling program, services and technology. This video describes the highlights of what this new approach to Indoor Cycling will offer.

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