25 April 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Top Ten Thursday: 10 Ways To Feel Confident When Working Out In Front Of Others

Image source Have you ever have this moment when you’re working out? I think we’ve all been there! There are times when I can’t help but wonder what others are thinking of me when I’m working out. Are the guys wondering why I feel the need to hog the barbell bench? Are the girls thinking, […]

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05 March 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Feeling Confident In Your Most Vulnerable State: Naked

I used to laugh at Dan because each time he walked by the mirror he seemed to be checking himself out. I mean, granted he is a hottie, but it was funny and completely opposite of me. Maybe the laughter was really due to jealousy. Take a walk with me, to my life 6 years […]

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05 March 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Feeling Confident In Your Most Vulnerable State: Naked

I used to laugh at Dan because each time he walked by the mirror he seemed to be checking himself out. I mean, granted he is a hottie, but it was funny and completely opposite of me. Maybe the laughter was really due to jealousy. Take a walk with me, to my life 6 years […]

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