02 July 2013 ~ 0 Comments

The Shocking Truth About Domestic Violence

The World Health Organization just released shocking data from the first comprehensive study of its kind. According to the report, physical or sexual violence affects 35 percent of all women globally. And here’s the worst part: The most common type of abuse is intimate partner violence, with 30 percent of women experiencing physical or sexual […]

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24 November 2012 ~ 0 Comments

The Workout You Can’t Escape: Domestic Duties Burn Calories

Happy Friday, I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! It was great taking the day off to relax with family and unwind. I can’t say that my eating was spot on, but it was Thanksgiving so that’s my excuse. I may have even eating a slice of carmel praline cheesecake! Call the vegan cops, have […]

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24 November 2012 ~ 0 Comments

The Workout You Can’t Escape: Domestic Duties Burn Calories

Happy Friday, I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! It was great taking the day off to relax with family and unwind. I can’t say that my eating was spot on, but it was Thanksgiving so that’s my excuse. I may have even eating a slice of carmel praline cheesecake! Call the vegan cops, have […]

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24 November 2012 ~ 0 Comments

The Workout You Can’t Escape: Domestic Duties Burn Calories

Happy Friday, I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! It was great taking the day off to relax with family and unwind. I can’t say that my eating was spot on, but it was Thanksgiving so that’s my excuse. I may have even eating a slice of carmel praline cheesecake! Call the vegan cops, have […]

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23 November 2012 ~ 0 Comments

The Workout You Can’t Escape: Domestic Duties Burn Calories

Happy Friday, I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! It was great taking the day off to relax with family and unwind. I can’t say that my eating was spot on, but it was Thanksgiving so that’s my excuse. I may have even eating a slice of carmel praline cheesecake! Call the vegan cops, have […]

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