01 April 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Daily Dose: March 28, 2013

Check out the list of links that should be on your radar today: The FDA just approved a new oral drug called Tecfidera to help treat multiple sclerosis. [LA Times]  A new study from Japan found that more women get screened for breast and cervical cancers when they don’t have to fork over co-pays. Good thing […]

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01 April 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Daily Dose: March 28, 2013

Check out the list of links that should be on your radar today: The FDA just approved a new oral drug called Tecfidera to help treat multiple sclerosis. [LA Times]  A new study from Japan found that more women get screened for breast and cervical cancers when they don’t have to fork over co-pays. Good thing […]

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01 April 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Daily Dose: March 28, 2013

Check out the list of links that should be on your radar today: The FDA just approved a new oral drug called Tecfidera to help treat multiple sclerosis. [LA Times]  A new study from Japan found that more women get screened for breast and cervical cancers when they don’t have to fork over co-pays. Good thing […]

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30 March 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Daily Dose: March 29, 2013

Check out the list of links that should be on your radar today: Lots of  companies have started instituting  happy hours, craft days, yoga sessions, video game breaks, and more in the name of workplace creativity. Permission to play Draw Something at the office, granted! [CNN] A new study shows that firefighters who work out are […]

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30 March 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Daily Dose: March 29, 2013

Check out the list of links that should be on your radar today: Lots of  companies have started instituting  happy hours, craft days, yoga sessions, video game breaks, and more in the name of workplace creativity. Permission to play Draw Something at the office, granted! [CNN] A new study shows that firefighters who work out are […]

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30 March 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Daily Dose: March 29, 2013

Check out the list of links that should be on your radar today: Lots of  companies have started instituting  happy hours, craft days, yoga sessions, video game breaks, and more in the name of workplace creativity. Permission to play Draw Something at the office, granted! [CNN] A new study shows that firefighters who work out are […]

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28 March 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Daily Dose: March 27, 2013

Check out the list of links that should be on your radar today: Mindfulness training can improve your memory and help you do better on tests. Want to be more mindful? Check out these tips. [Medical Daily] A Veronica Mars movie is happening, thanks to a crazy-successful Kickstarter campaign that raised $ 2 million in […]

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27 March 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Daily Dose: March 26, 2013

Check out the list of links that should be on your radar today: Researchers have finally discovered how to get songs out of your head: Reading an interesting book, having an engaging conversation, or doing an anagram (where you try to rearrange the letters in a phrase to create new words) should do the trick. […]

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26 March 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Daily Dose: March 25, 2013

Check out the list of links that should be on your radar today: In news that will make you say awww, two pandas are traveling from China to the Toronto Zoo via FedEx today. Talk about a special delivery. [Fast Company] The Gates Foundation really wants to help make sex safer: It’s offering $ 100,000 […]

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26 March 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Daily Dose: March 25, 2013

Check out the list of links that should be on your radar today: In news that will make you say awww, two pandas are traveling from China to the Toronto Zoo via FedEx today. Talk about a special delivery. [Fast Company] The Gates Foundation really wants to help make sex safer: It’s offering $ 100,000 […]

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