22 May 2014 ~ 0 Comments

Top 10 Snacks For Early Morning Workouts

My first boot camp starts at 6:00am… that’s early for a lot of people! I think we can all agree, that we don’t LOVE waking up before the sun has started to peak above the horizon. But, for many people getting your workout done before the hustle and bustle of the day is by far […]

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22 May 2014 ~ 0 Comments

Top 10 Snacks For Early Morning Workouts

My first boot camp starts at 6:00am… that’s early for a lot of people! I think we can all agree, that we don’t LOVE waking up before the sun has started to peak above the horizon. But, for many people getting your workout done before the hustle and bustle of the day is by far […]

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11 July 2012 ~ 9 Comments

Big boys spin class early days.mp4

where do you get a group of men around the200kgs mark on spin bikes? www.offthecouch.co.nz. most of these guys are down in weight from 40ks to 100 plus kgs Check out our group and pages: www.facebook.com www.facebook.com Video Rating: 2 / 5

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