23 July 2013 ~ 0 Comments

A Healthy Eater That Can’t Lose Weight?

Yesterday started something new for me… Perfecting my nutrition.  I know what you’re thinking: “Don’t you eat crazy healthy already?” Well, yes and no.  After dealing with my bladder and kidney infections I started to analyze my own health. I place everyone else’s in front and these infections were enough to deliver a “ah-ha moment”. […]

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23 July 2013 ~ 0 Comments

A Healthy Eater That Can’t Lose Weight?

Yesterday started something new for me… Perfecting my nutrition.  I know what you’re thinking: “Don’t you eat crazy healthy already?” Well, yes and no.  After dealing with my bladder and kidney infections I started to analyze my own health. I place everyone else’s in front and these infections were enough to deliver a “ah-ha moment”. […]

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23 July 2013 ~ 0 Comments

A Healthy Eater That Can’t Lose Weight?

Yesterday started something new for me… Perfecting my nutrition.  I know what you’re thinking: “Don’t you eat crazy healthy already?” Well, yes and no.  After dealing with my bladder and kidney infections I started to analyze my own health. I place everyone else’s in front and these infections were enough to deliver a “ah-ha moment”. […]

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23 July 2013 ~ 0 Comments

A Healthy Eater That Can’t Lose Weight?

Yesterday started something new for me… Perfecting my nutrition.  I know what you’re thinking: “Don’t you eat crazy healthy already?” Well, yes and no.  After dealing with my bladder and kidney infections I started to analyze my own health. I place everyone else’s in front and these infections were enough to deliver a “ah-ha moment”. […]

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06 December 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Top 10 Thursday: Top Ten Gifts For The Healthy Eater

Thursday already? That means my in-laws are coming which also means, I have to high tail it around to get this place spotless. The other day Dan asked if I still felt the need to impress his parents even after all these years. Without hesitation I said of course! I think that I’ll always feel […]

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06 December 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Top 10 Thursday: Top Ten Gifts For The Healthy Eater

Thursday already? That means my in-laws are coming which also means, I have to high tail it around to get this place spotless. The other day Dan asked if I still felt the need to impress his parents even after all these years. Without hesitation I said of course! I think that I’ll always feel […]

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06 December 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Top 10 Thursday: Top Ten Gifts For The Healthy Eater

Thursday already? That means my in-laws are coming which also means, I have to high tail it around to get this place spotless. The other day Dan asked if I still felt the need to impress his parents even after all these years. Without hesitation I said of course! I think that I’ll always feel […]

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29 July 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Pregnancy = Picky Eater: How To Make Irresistible Delicious Stuffed Shells (Vegan)

Before I get started… NO, I am not pregnant. Okay, now… After waking up before or at 5 am every day this week, it felt amazing to get up and see that the clock read 8:45. We had plans to get up early, but my body just wasn’t having it. It’s thanking me or the […]

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