22 October 2014 ~ 0 Comments

The Kettlebell Encyclopedia: 30 Of The Best Kettlebell Exercises {Gifs}

There are times that I get in a workout rut. Feeling as if I use the same exercises over and over again. Oh, look… squats AGAIN. The truth is, that doing the same moves over and over again is one of the major reasons, if not the #1 reason, for a plateau. Not to mention […]

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27 June 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Encyclopedia Of Squats: Every Squat Variation You Could Imagine (27 To Be Exact)

Good morning! Happy Thursday. I know that I’ve said before but I love Thursdays. We’ve almost made it through the workout week, yet there is still enough time to cross some major things off our to-do lists. I also love Thursdays because it’s a weight lifting day! Well more specifically, a kettle bell training day. […]

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