12 June 2014 ~ 0 Comments

The Food That Will Make You Run Farther, Faster

Where did we last leave off on our discussion of food and performance? Oh yes… we chatted about coffee. Oh coffee, how I love you. I’m pretty sure that we covered everything and more about caffeine and your fitness performances, so let’s move on. Whatcha’ say? What other foods can change the way you exercise […]

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12 June 2014 ~ 0 Comments

The Food That Will Make You Run Farther, Faster

Where did we last leave off on our discussion of food and performance? Oh yes… we chatted about coffee. Oh coffee, how I love you. I’m pretty sure that we covered everything and more about caffeine and your fitness performances, so let’s move on. Whatcha’ say? What other foods can change the way you exercise […]

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29 July 2012 ~ 0 Comments

The Longest Saturday Of My Life: How To Run Farther Than Ever Before

Wow, what a weekend. It’s been nonstop for me since 6am Friday morning. Let’s just say that I woke up this morning welcoming the calmness of Sunday. What is it about Sunday that just feels so peaceful? Oh, it’s because I am not starting the day with an alarm clock screaming in my ear or […]

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