30 June 2015 ~ 0 Comments

How To Make Amazing Vegan Cheese: Herby Goat & Sweet Cream Cheese Recipes

One of my favorite parts of the Live Your Fitness Retreat was the ability to share a few of my favorite easy and healthy eats. Whether it’s gluten-free, vegan, paleo or “regular” cooking, my goal has always been to show that cooking healthy doesn’t mean spending hours in the kitchen OR sacrificing flavor. In fact, […]

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30 June 2015 ~ 0 Comments

How To Make Amazing Vegan Cheese: Herby Goat & Sweet Cream Cheese Recipes

One of my favorite parts of the Live Your Fitness Retreat was the ability to share a few of my favorite easy and healthy eats. Whether it’s gluten-free, vegan, paleo or “regular” cooking, my goal has always been to show that cooking healthy doesn’t mean spending hours in the kitchen OR sacrificing flavor. In fact, […]

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30 June 2015 ~ 0 Comments

How To Make Amazing Vegan Cheese: Herby Goat & Sweet Cream Cheese Recipes

One of my favorite parts of the Live Your Fitness Retreat was the ability to share a few of my favorite easy and healthy eats. Whether it’s gluten-free, vegan, paleo or “regular” cooking, my goal has always been to show that cooking healthy doesn’t mean spending hours in the kitchen OR sacrificing flavor. In fact, […]

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23 April 2013 ~ 0 Comments

“You Don’t Eat No Meat?!”: Tasty Meat Alternatives & Baked Herby Tempeh Recipe

That’s right, I don’t eat no meat… but I do still enjoy a meal that is more than just steamed asparagus and carrots. Just because I am a vegan, doesn’t mean I eat like a rabbit (though some of my friends my claim differently). Truth be told, I love food, I love presenting (plating) food, […]

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