02 July 2014 ~ 0 Comments

Honest Reasons To Go To A Fitness Blogging Conference

The blog world is a pretty cool place… So many different writers, passionate about so many different things yet all supportive of one another. Yes, FitBloggin, the conference Dan and I were at was a fitness blogging conference, however if you think that means a room full of personal trainers all showing off their 6-packs […]

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02 July 2014 ~ 0 Comments

Honest Reasons To Go To A Fitness Blogging Conference

The blog world is a pretty cool place… So many different writers, passionate about so many different things yet all supportive of one another. Yes, FitBloggin, the conference Dan and I were at was a fitness blogging conference, however if you think that means a room full of personal trainers all showing off their 6-packs […]

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10 April 2014 ~ 0 Comments

Ridiculously Honest Confessions Of A Personal Trainer

I know it’s only Wednesday and you’re expecting a podcast, but I’m changing things up this week. You see, I had the opportunity to interview Dilia from The Thin Woman’s Brain just last night and I don’t want to put off sharing it until next week since she was the topic of conversation in last […]

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10 April 2014 ~ 0 Comments

Ridiculously Honest Confessions Of A Personal Trainer

I know it’s only Wednesday and you’re expecting a podcast, but I’m changing things up this week. You see, I had the opportunity to interview Dilia from The Thin Woman’s Brain just last night and I don’t want to put off sharing it until next week since she was the topic of conversation in last […]

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10 April 2014 ~ 0 Comments

Ridiculously Honest Confessions Of A Personal Trainer

I know it’s only Wednesday and you’re expecting a podcast, but I’m changing things up this week. You see, I had the opportunity to interview Dilia from The Thin Woman’s Brain just last night and I don’t want to put off sharing it until next week since she was the topic of conversation in last […]

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10 April 2014 ~ 0 Comments

Ridiculously Honest Confessions Of A Personal Trainer

I know it’s only Wednesday and you’re expecting a podcast, but I’m changing things up this week. You see, I had the opportunity to interview Dilia from The Thin Woman’s Brain just last night and I don’t want to put off sharing it until next week since she was the topic of conversation in last […]

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10 April 2014 ~ 0 Comments

Ridiculously Honest Confessions Of A Personal Trainer

I know it’s only Wednesday and you’re expecting a podcast, but I’m changing things up this week. You see, I had the opportunity to interview Dilia from The Thin Woman’s Brain just last night and I don’t want to put off sharing it until next week since she was the topic of conversation in last […]

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10 April 2014 ~ 0 Comments

Ridiculously Honest Confessions Of A Personal Trainer

I know it’s only Wednesday and you’re expecting a podcast, but I’m changing things up this week. You see, I had the opportunity to interview Dilia from The Thin Woman’s Brain just last night and I don’t want to put off sharing it until next week since she was the topic of conversation in last […]

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10 April 2014 ~ 0 Comments

Ridiculously Honest Confessions Of A Personal Trainer

I know it’s only Wednesday and you’re expecting a podcast, but I’m changing things up this week. You see, I had the opportunity to interview Dilia from The Thin Woman’s Brain just last night and I don’t want to put off sharing it until next week since she was the topic of conversation in last […]

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09 April 2014 ~ 0 Comments

Ridiculously Honest Confessions Of A Personal Trainer

I know it’s only Wednesday and you’re expecting a podcast, but I’m changing things up this week. You see, I had the opportunity to interview Dilia from The Thin Woman’s Brain just last night and I don’t want to put off sharing it until next week since she was the topic of conversation in last […]

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