02 May 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Eggs May Increase Heart Disease Risk

If you think you’re doing yourself a favor by ordering an omelet at brunch, think again. Eating an excessive amount of eggs may increase the risk of heart disease and stroke—even for people without traditional risk factors—according to a new study from the New England Journal of Medicine. Even more surprising: the reason why eggs […]

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29 April 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Skin Cancer May Increase Your Risk of OTHER Cancers

Need some extra motivation to slather on the sunscreen every a.m.? People who have had non-melanoma skin cancer may have an increased risk of developing another type of cancer in the future, according to a new study published in the journal PLOS Medicine. Seeing as how skin cancer is the most prevalent form of cancer […]

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25 April 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Sugary Sodas Increase Diabetes Risk

In case you’re still on the fence about quitting your soda habit, consider this: Drinking just one sugar-sweetened soft drink a day can drastically increase your odds of developing type 2 diabetes, according to a new study published in the journal Diabetologia. Researchers from Imperial College in London analyzed data from the European Prospective Investigation […]

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18 April 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Top Ten Thursday: 10 Foods That Increase Your Grocery Bill (And How To Deal)

Happy Thursday! Did you guys get a chance to listen to the latest podcast with my friend April? If you haven’t, check it out (I’ll post it at the bottom). Have you gone grocery shopping lately and noticed your bill climbing higher and higher? I certainly have. Since we don’t have kids yet, I shop […]

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19 November 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Jumping For The Gingerbread Man: How To Increase Box Jump Height

After spending most of the entire weekend slaving away in the kitchen making food like this:  Vegan Carrot Gingerbread (Carrot cake + Gingerbread = spiced deliciousness) Dan and I decided it was necessary to get to the gym for a great workout. We started with deadlifts, because I am weak not as strong as I […]

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