22 June 2015 ~ 0 Comments

Jumping Off Cliffs!

I am back from an amazing weekend of sisterhood, fitness, fun and food. I can’t wait to tell you all about it… tomorrow. I have so many adventures to share! Like that time I jumped off a cliff… Have a great Monday, use today to set the motion for the entire week. Tell me something […]

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22 June 2015 ~ 0 Comments

Jumping Off Cliffs!

I am back from an amazing weekend of sisterhood, fitness, fun and food. I can’t wait to tell you all about it… tomorrow. I have so many adventures to share! Like that time I jumped off a cliff… Have a great Monday, use today to set the motion for the entire week. Tell me something […]

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19 November 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Jumping For The Gingerbread Man: How To Increase Box Jump Height

After spending most of the entire weekend slaving away in the kitchen making food like this:  Vegan Carrot Gingerbread (Carrot cake + Gingerbread = spiced deliciousness) Dan and I decided it was necessary to get to the gym for a great workout. We started with deadlifts, because I am weak not as strong as I […]

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28 July 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Jumping Rope w/Kim Strother Pt.1

Kim Strother likes to break up workout monotony by jumping rope. Whip Six Feed

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28 July 2012 ~ 25 Comments

Jumping Rope w/Kim Strother Pt.1

Kim Strother likes to break up workout monotony by jumping rope.

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