14 January 2014 ~ 0 Comments

What I Didn’t Anticipate When I Stuck The Vegan Label On My Diet

*This is the final post regarding my recent nutritional changes. After this, there will be no more labels. Labels.  It’s a strange things really. Growing up, I wanted to break free of labels. To be my own person. I think every teenager and young adult agrees. Of course we want to be accepted, but we […]

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28 December 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Would You Be Fooled By A Wine Label?

Good morning! Happy Friday. Today just happens to be a VERY special day in our house. It’s Dan’s birthday! He’s turning the big 3-1. Dan and my dad at the Christmas Feast. Some serious crab legs! It’s kind of funny, but I have never seen him dread a birthday before. I thought turning 30 for […]

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19 December 2012 ~ 0 Comments

FDAs Laxed Regulations On Calories: Nutrition Label Lies

This weekend I bought a new box of stevia in the raw for baking (which you can check out what I baked here and here). Because I was bored, I decided to read the box while I was waiting for my timer to ding and I saw this: HUMMMMM… So does stevia have calories in […]

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19 December 2012 ~ 0 Comments

FDAs Laxed Regulations On Calories: Nutrition Label Lies

This weekend I bought a new box of stevia in the raw for baking (which you can check out what I baked here and here). Because I was bored, I decided to read the box while I was waiting for my timer to ding and I saw this: HUMMMMM… So does stevia have calories in […]

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19 December 2012 ~ 0 Comments

FDAs Laxed Regulations On Calories: Nutrition Label Lies

This weekend I bought a new box of stevia in the raw for baking (which you can check out what I baked here and here). Because I was bored, I decided to read the box while I was waiting for my timer to ding and I saw this: HUMMMMM… So does stevia have calories in […]

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19 December 2012 ~ 0 Comments

FDAs Laxed Regulations On Calories: Nutrition Label Lies

This weekend I bought a new box of stevia in the raw for baking (which you can check out what I baked here and here). Because I was bored, I decided to read the box while I was waiting for my timer to ding and I saw this: HUMMMMM… So does stevia have calories in […]

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19 December 2012 ~ 0 Comments

FDAs Laxed Regulations On Calories: Nutrition Label Lies

This weekend I bought a new box of stevia in the raw for baking (which you can check out what I baked here and here). Because I was bored, I decided to read the box while I was waiting for my timer to ding and I saw this: HUMMMMM… So does stevia have calories in […]

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19 December 2012 ~ 0 Comments

FDAs Laxed Regulations On Calories: Nutrition Label Lies

This weekend I bought a new box of stevia in the raw for baking (which you can check out what I baked here and here). Because I was bored, I decided to read the box while I was waiting for my timer to ding and I saw this: HUMMMMM… So does stevia have calories in […]

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18 December 2012 ~ 0 Comments

FDAs Laxed Regulations On Calories: Nutrition Label Lies

This weekend I bought a new box of stevia in the raw for baking (which you can check out what I baked here and here). Because I was bored, I decided to read the box while I was waiting for my timer to ding and I saw this: HUMMMMM… So does stevia have calories in […]

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18 December 2012 ~ 0 Comments

FDAs Laxed Regulations On Calories: Nutrition Label Lies

This weekend I bought a new box of stevia in the raw for baking (which you can check out what I baked here and here). Because I was bored, I decided to read the box while I was waiting for my timer to ding and I saw this: HUMMMMM… So does stevia have calories in […]

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