25 May 2015 ~ 0 Comments

6 Days Away: Getting Mentally Strong Is More Important Than Physically

Anyone that has ever raced or participated in a sporting event of any kind can tell you, it’s around 10% ability and 90% mental. We’ve all seen the best athletes fall apart during a game. Anyone watch golf? Okay, probably not many of you and it’s okay to calll me crazy, but I LOVE watching […]

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25 May 2015 ~ 0 Comments

6 Days Away: Getting Mentally Strong Is More Important Than Physically

Anyone that has ever raced or participated in a sporting event of any kind can tell you, it’s around 10% ability and 90% mental. We’ve all seen the best athletes fall apart during a game. Anyone watch golf? Okay, probably not many of you and it’s okay to calll me crazy, but I LOVE watching […]

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17 April 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Fitness Help: Are You Mentally Strong Or Mentally Weak?

My grandmother can’t swim. She’s tried to to learn several times throughout her life and it just never happened. My mom was a lifeguard in high school and spent the summer attempting to teach Grandmama to swim. As long as my mom was by her side, looking at her, she would do fine. Float, even […]

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17 April 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Fitness Help: Are You Mentally Strong Or Mentally Weak?

My grandmother can’t swim. She’s tried to to learn several times throughout her life and it just never happened. My mom was a lifeguard in high school and spent the summer attempting to teach Grandmama to swim. As long as my mom was by her side, looking at her, she would do fine. Float, even […]

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