07 June 2013 ~ 0 Comments

How Your Cycle Can Affect Your Mood

You expect to be a teary-eyed mess if you watch Sleepless In Seattle while PMSing, but hormones could also leave you susceptible to other, more surprising psychological side-effects: A new study from University College London finds that women may experience three times as many intrusive thoughts and memories about a stressful event when they’re between […]

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07 June 2013 ~ 0 Comments

How Your Cycle Can Affect Your Mood

You expect to be a teary-eyed mess if you watch Sleepless In Seattle while PMSing, but hormones could also leave you susceptible to other, more surprising psychological side-effects: A new study from University College London finds that women may experience three times as many intrusive thoughts and memories about a stressful event when they’re between […]

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06 June 2013 ~ 0 Comments

How Your Cycle Can Affect Your Mood

You expect to be a teary-eyed mess if you watch Sleepless In Seattle while PMSing, but hormones could also leave you susceptible to other, more surprising psychological side-effects: A new study from University College London finds that women may experience three times as many intrusive thoughts and memories about a stressful event when they’re between […]

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23 May 2013 ~ 0 Comments

The Super Simple Way to Improve Your Mood

You were running late, spilled coffee on your report, and didn’t feel prepared for your meeting with your boss. Rough day. Want to cheer yourself up? You can make yourself happier by listening to positive music and making a mental effort to feel better at the same time, according to recent research at the University […]

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23 May 2013 ~ 0 Comments

The Super Simple Way to Improve Your Mood

You were running late, spilled coffee on your report, and didn’t feel prepared for your meeting with your boss. Rough day. Want to cheer yourself up? You can make yourself happier by listening to positive music and making a mental effort to feel better at the same time, according to recent research at the University […]

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28 December 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Beat Your Bad Mood in 30 Seconds or Less

Take the trash out: According to new research in Psychological Science, writing down your negative thoughts and tossing them in the garbage can erase your bad mood. Simple pick-me-up or suspect science? The finding seems silly, admits lead researcher Richard Petty, Ph.D., a professor at The Ohio State University. “But sometimes it’s the silly things […]

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28 December 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Beat Your Bad Mood in 30 Seconds or Less

Take the trash out: According to new research in Psychological Science, writing down your negative thoughts and tossing them in the garbage can erase your bad mood. Simple pick-me-up or suspect science? The finding seems silly, admits lead researcher Richard Petty, Ph.D., a professor at The Ohio State University. “But sometimes it’s the silly things […]

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28 December 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Beat Your Bad Mood in 30 Seconds or Less

Take the trash out: According to new research in Psychological Science, writing down your negative thoughts and tossing them in the garbage can erase your bad mood. Simple pick-me-up or suspect science? The finding seems silly, admits lead researcher Richard Petty, Ph.D., a professor at The Ohio State University. “But sometimes it’s the silly things […]

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28 December 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Beat Your Bad Mood in 30 Seconds or Less

Take the trash out: According to new research in Psychological Science, writing down your negative thoughts and tossing them in the garbage can erase your bad mood. Simple pick-me-up or suspect science? The finding seems silly, admits lead researcher Richard Petty, Ph.D., a professor at The Ohio State University. “But sometimes it’s the silly things […]

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28 December 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Beat Your Bad Mood in 30 Seconds or Less

Take the trash out: According to new research in Psychological Science, writing down your negative thoughts and tossing them in the garbage can erase your bad mood. Simple pick-me-up or suspect science? The finding seems silly, admits lead researcher Richard Petty, Ph.D., a professor at The Ohio State University. “But sometimes it’s the silly things […]

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