02 May 2014 ~ 0 Comments

Muscles In May Challenge & Propel Giveaway

Is it sad that I just realized today is May? Where did the month go?  During April I realized that I had let myself get far too disorganized. I lost track of my schedule, rushed through too many things, and I realized yesterday that I have to take back control. Luckily, I got a new […]

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02 May 2014 ~ 0 Comments

Muscles In May Challenge & Propel Giveaway

Is it sad that I just realized today is May? Where did the month go?  During April I realized that I had let myself get far too disorganized. I lost track of my schedule, rushed through too many things, and I realized yesterday that I have to take back control. Luckily, I got a new […]

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02 May 2014 ~ 0 Comments

Muscles In May Challenge & Propel Giveaway

Is it sad that I just realized today is May? Where did the month go?  During April I realized that I had let myself get far too disorganized. I lost track of my schedule, rushed through too many things, and I realized yesterday that I have to take back control. Luckily, I got a new […]

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02 May 2014 ~ 0 Comments

Muscles In May Challenge & Propel Giveaway

Is it sad that I just realized today is May? Where did the month go?  During April I realized that I had let myself get far too disorganized. I lost track of my schedule, rushed through too many things, and I realized yesterday that I have to take back control. Luckily, I got a new […]

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23 April 2013 ~ 0 Comments

5 Ways to Ease Sore Muscles

The day after a brutal workout, exercising more might be the last thing you want to do—but here’s why you should: Light activity can help ease soreness just as well as a massage, according to a new study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. For the study, Danish researchers asked 20 women […]

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19 May 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Fitness for the Over 50′s – Strengthen Muscles

Strengthen Muscles Studies show that regular physical exercise slows up the ageing process and can prevent certain illnesses. In this programme Nancy reveals six different daily gymnastic sessions. The sessions are thematically based, and will enable you to keep in good physical shape – strengthening your muscles and making you more supple while improving your […]

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19 May 2012 ~ 24 Comments

Fitness for the Over 50’s – Strengthen Muscles

Strengthen Muscles Studies show that regular physical exercise slows up the ageing process and can prevent certain illnesses. In this programme Nancy reveals six different daily gymnastic sessions. The sessions are thematically based, and will enable you to keep in good physical shape – strengthening your muscles and making you more supple while improving your […]

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