08 October 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Small Changes = Big Results October Challenge Update

It’s been EXACTLY one week since October 1st… which means we have been doing the October Challenge for EXACTLY one week! How’s it going? In case you’re new to Lifting Revolution, you can find out all about the challenge here! I made this quick video as an update… I am sorry for using the computer […]

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01 October 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Let The October Challenge Begin: Small Changes Yield BIG Results

Last week I made a grand announcement… I would give up latte’s for the entire month of October! And then I asked you to join in the challenge with me by giving up just 1 thing from your diet that you know isn’t so great for you. Many of you jumped in and made amazing […]

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25 September 2012 ~ 0 Comments

October Fit Challenge & Lululemon Giveaway

So pumped to share the new October Challenge with you! I’ve been taking a look at my own diet lately and decided I needed to make a few changes… well really just one. I am challenging YOU to do it along with me. Check out the video to learn what food item is doing more […]

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13 September 2012 ~ 0 Comments

The October iPad Issue is Here!

There are so many reasons why we’re welcoming autumn with open, cardigan-clad arms: the return of apple season, cool sleeping … Whip Six Feed

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01 June 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Brighton Bootcamp Open Day 3 October 2009 – Spinning Classes

www.brightonbootcamp.com www.brightonstudiocycling.com Brighton’s only Official Spinning Centre 26-28 Franklin Road, Portslade Come and try your first class free Note: In 2010, StairMaster and Schwinn Fitness group cycling bikes separated from Nautilus. Please disregard any references to Nautilus in these videos. For more information about our new company, visit us at www.StairMaster.com. Video Rating: 0 / […]

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01 June 2012 ~ 2 Comments

Brighton Bootcamp Open Day 3 October 2009 – Spinning Classes

www.brightonbootcamp.com www.brightonstudiocycling.com Brighton’s only Official Spinning Centre 26-28 Franklin Road, Portslade Come and try your first class free Note: In 2010, StairMaster and Schwinn Fitness group cycling bikes separated from Nautilus. Please disregard any references to Nautilus in these videos. For more information about our new company, visit us at www.StairMaster.com. Video Rating: 0 / […]

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