22 May 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Is It OK To Put Off Your Period?

One thing you never want to take on vacation with you: your period. With summer trips coming up, we definitely don’t blame you for fiddling with your birth control to ensure a tampon-free trip. In fact, 17 percent of women report using hormonal contraception to skip or delay their monthly period, according to a new […]

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22 May 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Is It OK To Put Off Your Period?

One thing you never want to take on vacation with you: your period. With summer trips coming up, we definitely don’t blame you for fiddling with your birth control to ensure a tampon-free trip. In fact, 17 percent of women report using hormonal contraception to skip or delay their monthly period, according to a new […]

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22 May 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Is It OK To Put Off Your Period?

One thing you never want to take on vacation with you: your period. With summer trips coming up, we definitely don’t blame you for fiddling with your birth control to ensure a tampon-free trip. In fact, 17 percent of women report using hormonal contraception to skip or delay their monthly period, according to a new […]

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22 May 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Is It OK To Put Off Your Period?

One thing you never want to take on vacation with you: your period. With summer trips coming up, we definitely don’t blame you for fiddling with your birth control to ensure a tampon-free trip. In fact, 17 percent of women report using hormonal contraception to skip or delay their monthly period, according to a new […]

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04 October 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Got Period Pain? Put a Pin In It

A new review of 25 studies—and more than 3,000 women—published in Complementary Therapies in Medicine has found that acupoint stimulation provides short-term relief of excessive menstrual pain, also known as dysmenorrhea. (Is your period normal? Find out here.) How It Works Acupoint therapy, which has its roots in ancient Chinese medicine, posits that qi, or […]

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