25 May 2015 ~ 0 Comments

6 Days Away: Getting Mentally Strong Is More Important Than Physically

Anyone that has ever raced or participated in a sporting event of any kind can tell you, it’s around 10% ability and 90% mental. We’ve all seen the best athletes fall apart during a game. Anyone watch golf? Okay, probably not many of you and it’s okay to calll me crazy, but I LOVE watching […]

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25 May 2015 ~ 0 Comments

6 Days Away: Getting Mentally Strong Is More Important Than Physically

Anyone that has ever raced or participated in a sporting event of any kind can tell you, it’s around 10% ability and 90% mental. We’ve all seen the best athletes fall apart during a game. Anyone watch golf? Okay, probably not many of you and it’s okay to calll me crazy, but I LOVE watching […]

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05 August 2012 ~ 0 Comments

How To Become More Physically Fit: 4 Things You Have To Do

This has nothing to do with the actual post, but I will say that as of 15 minutes ago, I am not expecting to have the most uncomfortable workout ever. I got up to walk to the bathroom and so gracefully stubbed my toe on the corner of our coffee table. After the initial “Oh […]

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