15 October 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Happenings: Honey Blues, Vending Machine Calorie Counts, and Plans for a Floating Pool in the East River

FALL INTO FAIR TRADE October is Fair Trade Month! Celebrate responsibly (i.e., raise your mug of FT coffee). (Good) SACRE BLEU! … Whip Six Feed

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21 August 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Prepping For 11 Hours On The Road: Traveling Workout Plans

On Thursday morning Dan and I will be hopping into Pico (his car) and starting this trip: Leaving from Charleston to head first up to Washington, DC where Dan’s sister lives. There we’ll stop for dinner with my friend Sarah, stay the night with my sister-in-law then finish the rest of the trip to Phili […]

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