29 July 2013 ~ 0 Comments

The Real Reason You Can’t Shed Pounds

You may be hardwired to eat more than you should—but here’s how you can still reach your weight-loss goals Continue reading → Whip Six Feed Whip Six Feed

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29 July 2013 ~ 0 Comments

The Real Reason You Can’t Shed Pounds

You may be hardwired to eat more than you should—but here’s how you can still reach your weight-loss goals Continue reading → Whip Six Feed

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10 July 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Is Food Addiction Real?

Ever feel like you’re fighting a losing battle with a bag of potato chips? Your brain might be to blame. Foods with a high glycemic index (GI) activate the same area of the brain that’s triggered by gambling and addictive drugs, according to a recent study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. For […]

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10 July 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Is Food Addiction Real?

Ever feel like you’re fighting a losing battle with a bag of potato chips? Your brain might be to blame. Foods with a high glycemic index (GI) activate the same area of the brain that’s triggered by gambling and addictive drugs, according to a recent study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. For […]

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12 March 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Push-Up Progression: Go From 0 To 20 Real Push-ups

Yesterday was all about chin-ups progression (did you try one?) so let’s turn the tables and talk about their sister exercise, push-ups. Push-ups are a staple in the fitness world and should be. They rock and I am not just saying that. There is hardly a workout that goes by that doesn’t have at least 1 […]

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12 March 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Push-Up Progression: Go From 0 To 20 Real Push-ups

Yesterday was all about chin-ups progression (did you try one?) so let’s turn the tables and talk about their sister exercise, push-ups. Push-ups are a staple in the fitness world and should be. They rock and I am not just saying that. There is hardly a workout that goes by that doesn’t have at least 1 […]

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12 March 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Push-Up Progression: Go From 0 To 20 Real Push-ups

Yesterday was all about chin-ups progression (did you try one?) so let’s turn the tables and talk about their sister exercise, push-ups. Push-ups are a staple in the fitness world and should be. They rock and I am not just saying that. There is hardly a workout that goes by that doesn’t have at least 1 […]

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12 March 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Push-Up Progression: Go From 0 To 20 Real Push-ups

Yesterday was all about chin-ups progression (did you try one?) so let’s turn the tables and talk about their sister exercise, push-ups. Push-ups are a staple in the fitness world and should be. They rock and I am not just saying that. There is hardly a workout that goes by that doesn’t have at least 1 […]

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15 October 2012 ~ 0 Comments

The REAL Meaning of a Balanced Meal

Feeling less-than-satisfied after your last meal? New research published in the journal Current Biology, finds that mixing foods—specifically, astringent and fatty flavors—can contribute to our feelings of fullness. It turns out that the two tastes activate opposite ends of our sensory spectrum. Astringent foods feel rough and dry in our mouths while fatty foods feel […]

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15 October 2012 ~ 0 Comments

The REAL Meaning of a Balanced Meal

Feeling less-than-satisfied after your last meal? New research published in the journal Current Biology, finds that mixing foods—specifically, astringent and fatty flavors—can contribute to our feelings of fullness. It turns out that the two tastes activate opposite ends of our sensory spectrum. Astringent foods feel rough and dry in our mouths while fatty foods feel […]

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