04 November 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Gala For A Cause & Vegan Brunch Recipes

Last I left off yesterday I was about to get ready for the Special Olympics Gala, which is a huge auction event. This is an annual event and with many of my boot camp clients involved, I thought it was a great way for Dan and I give some of our time and help out. […]

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27 October 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Healthy Headlines: The Problem with Pull-Ups, Foods that Lower Diabetes, and Pumpkin Seed Recipes

Pull Down: Can’t master the pull up? Don’t fear, it might not be the most meaningful a fitness measure. Exercise … Whip Six Feed

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04 October 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Top 10 Thursday: 10 Fall Apple Recipes You Can’t Deny

Happy Thursday (Thursday already??)! Thanks to everyone who commented, tweeted and facebooked me which shoes I should sacrifice up for the mud run. I’m taking your advice and giving up the blue Pumas. It will be a sad day, and perhaps a few words will be said as I toss them into the donation pile […]

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17 September 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Case Of Pumpkin Fever: 3 Delicious and Simple Vegan Pumpkin Recipes

Last week, fall was knocking on the door. It was fabulous waking up to temperatures in the low 70s and even better to enjoy the day with the windows open. Though it seems as if fall decided not to officially come through that door, I’ve been bit. I’ve got a case of pumpkin fever that […]

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22 July 2012 ~ 3 Comments

Chef Ryan Hutmacher, The Centered Chef “Pre & Post Workout Recovery Recipes”

07/17/09 Marathon and triathlon season in Chicago is in full swing. Personal success with training is not just about logging miles, but balancing proper nutrition. On this WGN Lunchbreak segment, Chef Ryan discusses healthy fueling options for pre- and post-workouts leading to some upcoming races, inlcluding the Fleet Feet Womens 5k 10k this weekend. Learn […]

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15 May 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Meatless Monday: Vegetarian Spanish Recipes

Not everyone gets all gung-ho about Columbus Day. For some, it’s just another day of school or work. For others, it conjures up strong feelings about genocide or musings on whether it’s theoretically possible to discover a place that’s already inhabited. Controversies aside, we’re making Columbus Day about culture, and we’ve dedicated this week’s Meatless […]

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20 April 2012 ~ 0 Comments

5 Fat-Burning Recipes Ready in 5 Minutes

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20 April 2012 ~ 0 Comments

14 Slimming Pizza and Pasta Recipes

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20 April 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Tasty Diabetic-Friendly Recipes

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19 April 2012 ~ 0 Comments

8 Avocado Recipes (Besides Guacamole)

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