04 March 2013 ~ 0 Comments

The Super Burpee Workout & PMS Relief

Good morning! Are you ready for a new week? I certainly am, I am ready to tackle my to-do list and of course knock out some “Super Burpees”. What you’ve never heard of a Super Burpee? Oh, my friend, you’re missing out. But worry no more because today’s show will introduce the two of you. […]

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04 March 2013 ~ 0 Comments

The Super Burpee Workout & PMS Relief

Good morning! Are you ready for a new week? I certainly am, I am ready to tackle my to-do list and of course knock out some “Super Burpees”. What you’ve never heard of a Super Burpee? Oh, my friend, you’re missing out. But worry no more because today’s show will introduce the two of you. […]

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10 May 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Natural Allergy Relief

  As spring emerges, so do pesky seasonal allergies. Puffy, itchy eyes, sneezing, wheezing, and a stuffy, drippy nose are classic symptoms of a hyped-up immune response to invading allergens. As the body goes into overdrive, producing histamine to fight off the assailants, it’s a tailspin of irritation and congestion from there. If you’re one […]

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