07 October 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Are You Safe from HPV?

Still on the fence about getting vaccinated against HPV? Here’s the push you’ve been waiting for: New research further proves that Merck’s HPV vaccine, Gardasil, is safe. Researchers found that Gardasil isn’t linked to serious (and scary!) health effects in a new follow-up study of nearly 190,000 girls and women between the ages of 9 […]

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25 August 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Down, Bug! Repel Insects the Safe Way

The heat waves may be winding down, but the mosquitoes are just revving up. August and September are prime mosquito months, and this year, the disease-carrying bloodsuckers are doing more than sucking our blood: They’re grabbing national headlines. The mayor of Dallas, Texas, declared a state of emergency after 10 confirmed deaths in his city […]

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25 August 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Down, Bug! Repel Insects the Safe Way

The heat waves may be winding down, but the mosquitoes are just revving up. August and September are prime mosquito months, and this year, the disease-carrying bloodsuckers are doing more than sucking our blood: They’re grabbing national headlines. The mayor of Dallas, Texas, declared a state of emergency after 10 confirmed deaths in his city […]

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25 August 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Down, Bug! Repel Insects the Safe Way

The heat waves may be winding down, but the mosquitoes are just revving up. August and September are prime mosquito months, and this year, the disease-carrying bloodsuckers are doing more than sucking our blood: They’re grabbing national headlines. The mayor of Dallas, Texas, declared a state of emergency after 10 confirmed deaths in his city […]

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25 August 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Down, Bug! Repel Insects the Safe Way

The heat waves may be winding down, but the mosquitoes are just revving up. August and September are prime mosquito months, and this year, the disease-carrying bloodsuckers are doing more than sucking our blood: They’re grabbing national headlines. The mayor of Dallas, Texas, declared a state of emergency after 10 confirmed deaths in his city […]

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25 August 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Down, Bug! Repel Insects the Safe Way

The heat waves may be winding down, but the mosquitoes are just revving up. August and September are prime mosquito months, and this year, the disease-carrying bloodsuckers are doing more than sucking our blood: They’re grabbing national headlines. The mayor of Dallas, Texas, declared a state of emergency after 10 confirmed deaths in his city […]

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25 August 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Down, Bug! Repel Insects the Safe Way

The heat waves may be winding down, but the mosquitoes are just revving up. August and September are prime mosquito months, and this year, the disease-carrying bloodsuckers are doing more than sucking our blood: They’re grabbing national headlines. The mayor of Dallas, Texas, declared a state of emergency after 10 confirmed deaths in his city […]

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16 June 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Are Any Self-Tanners Truly Safe?

Fans of fake tans may want to sit down for this. Dihydroxyacetone—that’s DHA to you—which is the active ingredient in self-tanners and spray tans, “has the potential to cause genetic alterations and DNA damage,” according to a panel of scientists in an investigation done by ABC News. 4 Natural Anti-Aging Alternatives But before you run to […]

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