28 July 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Top Ten Thursday: 10 Ways To Tell If You’re In Shape (Or Not)

Oh Thursday, how I love you. Just one more day until we can run and dance through the streets proclaiming the weekend! Oh, you don’t do that? We have quite the packed weekend between 1/2 marathon training, errands, hosting dinner for friends, a few events, well don’t worry you’ll hear all about it later. But […]

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27 July 2012 ~ 22 Comments

Getting in Shape Tips : How to Make Your Breasts Appear Bigger Through Exercise

Exercising to make your breasts look bigger can be done at home by focusing on the pectoral muscles that are underneath the fat in a woman’s chest. Increase breast size withadvice from a personal trainer in this free video about adding muscle to breasts through exercise. Expert: Tanya Batts Bio: Tanya Batts has been a […]

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30 May 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Women’s Shape Comparisons – WABBA Hellas Championship 2012

www.xbody.gr – Toula Evagelou and Maria Mathioudaki, 1st and 2nd place in the Women’s Shape category at the Greek WABBA Bodybuilding Championships 2012 taken place in Athens (May 27). Coverage by XBody.gr.

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