03 September 2014 ~ 0 Comments

How To Look Gorgeous After A Workout (Without A Shower) In Less Than 5 Minutes

If you could choose any time to workout, when would it be? I mean if you could literally choose any time to workout… For me, that time is right in the middle of the day. Between 12-3pm. For me, this is the time when I’m fully awake, I have knocked off a lot of my […]

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03 September 2014 ~ 0 Comments

How To Look Gorgeous After A Workout (Without A Shower) In Less Than 5 Minutes

If you could choose any time to workout, when would it be? I mean if you could literally choose any time to workout… For me, that time is right in the middle of the day. Between 12-3pm. For me, this is the time when I’m fully awake, I have knocked off a lot of my […]

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03 September 2014 ~ 0 Comments

How To Look Gorgeous After A Workout (Without A Shower) In Less Than 5 Minutes

If you could choose any time to workout, when would it be? I mean if you could literally choose any time to workout… For me, that time is right in the middle of the day. Between 12-3pm. For me, this is the time when I’m fully awake, I have knocked off a lot of my […]

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29 October 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Healthy Skin DIY: Juniper and Lemon Shower Oil

You spent the weekend raking leaves—and now you can barely lift your arms. To loosen up those stiff muscles and … Whip Six Feed

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08 May 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Deepak Chopra on Technology, Healthcare, and Singing in the Shower

Deepak Chopra is living proof that being a guru doesn’t preclude digging state-of-the-art technology. While promoting the release of his … Whip Six Feed

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