06 March 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Pleasantly Surprised By Ellie Fitness Attire: 20% Off Ellie!

I received so much positive feed back from yesterday’s post, thank you! I have to say it was one of my favorite posts to write as it was extremely heart felt, personal and I hope a little (or a lot) motivating. Thanks for letting me write what I love to write about. As for today, […]

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06 March 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Pleasantly Surprised By Ellie Fitness Attire: 20% Off Ellie!

I received so much positive feed back from yesterday’s post, thank you! I have to say it was one of my favorite posts to write as it was extremely heart felt, personal and I hope a little (or a lot) motivating. Thanks for letting me write what I love to write about. As for today, […]

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06 March 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Pleasantly Surprised By Ellie Fitness Attire: 20% Off Ellie!

I received so much positive feed back from yesterday’s post, thank you! I have to say it was one of my favorite posts to write as it was extremely heart felt, personal and I hope a little (or a lot) motivating. Thanks for letting me write what I love to write about. As for today, […]

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05 November 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Stop Self Doubt And End Up Surprised: Welcome Knowvember

I’ve learned through years of training that it isn’t that women can’t do certain things, its that they think they can’t do certain things. This isn’t just with working out though, it’s with life. I am a big believer that we’re not meant to ever “just settle” we are meant to push out of our […]

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05 November 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Stop Self Doubt And End Up Surprised: Welcome Knowvember

I’ve learned through years of training that it isn’t that women can’t do certain things, its that they think they can’t do certain things. This isn’t just with working out though, it’s with life. I am a big believer that we’re not meant to ever “just settle” we are meant to push out of our […]

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05 November 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Stop Self Doubt And End Up Surprised: Welcome Knowvember

I’ve learned through years of training that it isn’t that women can’t do certain things, its that they think they can’t do certain things. This isn’t just with working out though, it’s with life. I am a big believer that we’re not meant to ever “just settle” we are meant to push out of our […]

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05 November 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Stop Self Doubt And End Up Surprised: Welcome Knowvember

I’ve learned through years of training that it isn’t that women can’t do certain things, its that they think they can’t do certain things. This isn’t just with working out though, it’s with life. I am a big believer that we’re not meant to ever “just settle” we are meant to push out of our […]

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