11 April 2014 ~ 0 Comments

5 Tricks To Drop The Pesky Vanity Pounds

Oh, those pesty vanity pounds. Some fitness pros and health coaches may be embarrassed to announce that they have a few vanity pounds that they would like to loose out of fear of criticism of not truly loving their body. I think that’s silly. We all want to look and feel the best in our […]

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11 April 2014 ~ 0 Comments

5 Tricks To Drop The Pesky Vanity Pounds

Oh, those pesty vanity pounds. Some fitness pros and health coaches may be embarrassed to announce that they have a few vanity pounds that they would like to loose out of fear of criticism of not truly loving their body. I think that’s silly. We all want to look and feel the best in our […]

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11 April 2014 ~ 0 Comments

5 Tricks To Drop The Pesky Vanity Pounds

Oh, those pesty vanity pounds. Some fitness pros and health coaches may be embarrassed to announce that they have a few vanity pounds that they would like to loose out of fear of criticism of not truly loving their body. I think that’s silly. We all want to look and feel the best in our […]

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11 April 2014 ~ 0 Comments

5 Tricks To Drop The Pesky Vanity Pounds

Oh, those pesty vanity pounds. Some fitness pros and health coaches may be embarrassed to announce that they have a few vanity pounds that they would like to loose out of fear of criticism of not truly loving their body. I think that’s silly. We all want to look and feel the best in our […]

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11 April 2014 ~ 0 Comments

5 Tricks To Drop The Pesky Vanity Pounds

Oh, those pesty vanity pounds. Some fitness pros and health coaches may be embarrassed to announce that they have a few vanity pounds that they would like to loose out of fear of criticism of not truly loving their body. I think that’s silly. We all want to look and feel the best in our […]

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11 April 2014 ~ 0 Comments

5 Tricks To Drop The Pesky Vanity Pounds

Oh, those pesty vanity pounds. Some fitness pros and health coaches may be embarrassed to announce that they have a few vanity pounds that they would like to loose out of fear of criticism of not truly loving their body. I think that’s silly. We all want to look and feel the best in our […]

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11 April 2014 ~ 0 Comments

5 Tricks To Drop The Pesky Vanity Pounds

Oh, those pesty vanity pounds. Some fitness pros and health coaches may be embarrassed to announce that they have a few vanity pounds that they would like to loose out of fear of criticism of not truly loving their body. I think that’s silly. We all want to look and feel the best in our […]

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11 April 2014 ~ 0 Comments

5 Tricks To Drop The Pesky Vanity Pounds

Oh, those pesty vanity pounds. Some fitness pros and health coaches may be embarrassed to announce that they have a few vanity pounds that they would like to loose out of fear of criticism of not truly loving their body. I think that’s silly. We all want to look and feel the best in our […]

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29 March 2013 ~ 0 Comments

3 Tricks to Banish Cellulite

On your cheeks, dimples are perfectly fine—cute even. On your thighs? Not so much—especially with short-shorts season right around the corner. But cellulite is more than just a bummer; it can also be a major blow to your self-esteem. Women who have cellulite think they’re less attractive than women without cellulite, according to a new […]

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21 October 2012 ~ 0 Comments

3 Easy Tricks to Beat Motion Sickness

Motion sickness can throw a real wrench into your travel plans. And once it strikes, it feels like nothing can provide you the quick relief you need from feeling nauseous, dizzy, and downright terrible. Soon, that may no longer be the case. NASA is working with California-based startup Epiomed Therapeutics to develop a new medication […]

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