30 September 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Order Up! Vegan Turtle Bites Made To Order & Weekend Photo Book

Good morning! I hope you had a fabulous weekend, or should I say, having a fabulous weekend! I tried my best to get on to my computer yesterday to share some pictures of what was going on but it just didn’t happen. Know why? Because I had my first full order of my Vegan Turtle […]

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07 August 2012 ~ 0 Comments

The Ultimate Vegan Energy Snack: Chocolate Turtle Energy Bites

Remember how I spent Saturday playing around in the kitchen? Well all that playing around paid off! I ended up with a few great new foods… like this one: Sweet Potato Yogurt Fruit Dip {Vegan} Recipe to be posted at Fit Womens Weekly But the one you really want to know about today is this: […]

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