02 June 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Quick Pre-Race Warm-up Leads To Lean & Green PR?

Hello friend! How’s the weekend going so far? Mine has been fabulous. The perfect cocktail of fitness, work and relaxation. Ooo, I could go for a good cocktail, but instead, I am enjoying a serving of Athletic Greens (more on those tomorrow). Friday started off with this little motivational text from Katie: This was her […]

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02 June 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Quick Pre-Race Warm-up Leads To Lean & Green PR?

Hello friend! How’s the weekend going so far? Mine has been fabulous. The perfect cocktail of fitness, work and relaxation. Ooo, I could go for a good cocktail, but instead, I am enjoying a serving of Athletic Greens (more on those tomorrow). Friday started off with this little motivational text from Katie: This was her […]

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02 June 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Quick Pre-Race Warm-up Leads To Lean & Green PR?

Hello friend! How’s the weekend going so far? Mine has been fabulous. The perfect cocktail of fitness, work and relaxation. Ooo, I could go for a good cocktail, but instead, I am enjoying a serving of Athletic Greens (more on those tomorrow). Friday started off with this little motivational text from Katie: This was her […]

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01 June 2012 ~ 25 Comments

12-Pre-Home Cardio Workout Warm-Up Exercises for Men & Women

Click the link too find out how you can help support your fitness body 4 life community www.fitnessbody4life.org My Links: Website: www.FitnessBody4Life.org blog post www.fitnessbody4life.org Facebook: www.facebook.com Twitter: www.twitter.com Music Links: Andrew V: www.myspace.com BoonDoc: www.booniemayfield.com Playlists Warm ups: www.youtube.com Ab Exercises: www.youtube.com Fitness Routines: www.youtube.com Stretching Videos: www.youtube.com Youtube Video of the week links […]

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23 May 2012 ~ 3 Comments

Cycling Warm-Up Exercise Video

Exercise routine designed to warm-up before cycling. Visit: www.GoMoji.com. Demonstrated by fitness expert, Andrea Metcalf and narrated by fitness expert, Sean Lee from the Moji Fitness Team.

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