23 February 2015 ~ 0 Comments

Answers: Super Powers & Warm-ups (Plus Lots More You Need To Know)

I had so much fun answering these questions, you guys are good. Real good! I’ll try to do this more often and some of these questions truly deserve their very own blog post (did you check out JR’s question/answer post last week?) What I loved most was how all over the place the questions were! […]

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23 February 2015 ~ 0 Comments

Answers: Super Powers & Warm-ups (Plus Lots More You Need To Know)

I had so much fun answering these questions, you guys are good. Real good! I’ll try to do this more often and some of these questions truly deserve their very own blog post (did you check out JR’s question/answer post last week?) What I loved most was how all over the place the questions were! […]

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