15 December 2014 ~ 0 Comments

Suck It Up Buttercup: How To Deal With Cold Weather DE-Motivation

Happy Motivational Monday! This picture has nothing to do with today’s post. One of my trainers sent it to me and I thought it was the best way to start any post. I decided that with the holidays and the cold temperatures hitting lots of the USA, a lot of us are suffering from workout […]

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15 December 2014 ~ 0 Comments

Suck It Up Buttercup: How To Deal With Cold Weather DE-Motivation

Happy Motivational Monday! This picture has nothing to do with today’s post. One of my trainers sent it to me and I thought it was the best way to start any post. I decided that with the holidays and the cold temperatures hitting lots of the USA, a lot of us are suffering from workout […]

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15 December 2014 ~ 0 Comments

Suck It Up Buttercup: How To Deal With Cold Weather DE-Motivation

Happy Motivational Monday! This picture has nothing to do with today’s post. One of my trainers sent it to me and I thought it was the best way to start any post. I decided that with the holidays and the cold temperatures hitting lots of the USA, a lot of us are suffering from workout […]

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16 February 2013 ~ 0 Comments

How the Weather Screws With Your Weight

When it’s too wet or snowy to wear sneakers outdoors, it can feel too wet and snowy to work out. Case in point: A new poll conducted by Gallup-Healthways found that after Hurricane Sandy, people living on the east coast were twice as likely to skip exercise than people in less affected parts of the […]

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16 February 2013 ~ 0 Comments

How the Weather Screws With Your Weight

When it’s too wet or snowy to wear sneakers outdoors, it can feel too wet and snowy to work out. Case in point: A new poll conducted by Gallup-Healthways found that after Hurricane Sandy, people living on the east coast were twice as likely to skip exercise than people in less affected parts of the […]

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16 February 2013 ~ 0 Comments

How the Weather Screws With Your Weight

When it’s too wet or snowy to wear sneakers outdoors, it can feel too wet and snowy to work out. Case in point: A new poll conducted by Gallup-Healthways found that after Hurricane Sandy, people living on the east coast were twice as likely to skip exercise than people in less affected parts of the […]

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16 February 2013 ~ 0 Comments

How the Weather Screws With Your Weight

When it’s too wet or snowy to wear sneakers outdoors, it can feel too wet and snowy to work out. Case in point: A new poll conducted by Gallup-Healthways found that after Hurricane Sandy, people living on the east coast were twice as likely to skip exercise than people in less affected parts of the […]

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06 January 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Facing My Fear: Learning To Be A Cold Weather Runner

Good morning friends! We have a crazy busy day ahead of us (a huge project in the works) which means errands, kitchen experiments and time on the computer. I know that sounds like a not so fun Saturday, but I am actually really excited to get to work! I guess it’s not work when you […]

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06 January 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Facing My Fear: Learning To Be A Cold Weather Runner

Good morning friends! We have a crazy busy day ahead of us (a huge project in the works) which means errands, kitchen experiments and time on the computer. I know that sounds like a not so fun Saturday, but I am actually really excited to get to work! I guess it’s not work when you […]

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06 January 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Facing My Fear: Learning To Be A Cold Weather Runner

Good morning friends! We have a crazy busy day ahead of us (a huge project in the works) which means errands, kitchen experiments and time on the computer. I know that sounds like a not so fun Saturday, but I am actually really excited to get to work! I guess it’s not work when you […]

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